Language learning timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born the 18th of Novmber, 2000. Like everybody,when I was born I couldn't speak yet.
  • Start the school

    Start the school
    I start the school with 2 years old. When I was 3 I could say some words in English like "Hello" and I speak in Catalan.
  • Summer vacations

    Summer vacations
    With 5 years old I went to Jaen, in my grandfather child house. There they speak in Spanish so that summer I learned to speak well Spanish.
  • Made a friend in a hotel

    Made a friend in a hotel
    In summer 2007 I made a friend in a hotel. She was from the north of Europe so we speak in English between us how we could. We stay in the swimming pool all the time.
  • París

    In 2012 I went to Paris for one night and then I went to Disneyland. There I listened French for the first time.
  • American teacher

    American teacher
    In 2013, in my other school, comes one teacher from New York to help us speak English well. I stay all the school year talking with her.
  • Italy

    In 2014 I stayed 10 days in La Toscana so I listened Italy for the first time. One night my family and I stayed talking with a waiter for 15 minutes, more or less. He was likeable.
  • TV series

    TV series
    In the end of 2014 I started to watch different TV series in English. Now if I go to watch a movie o a TV serie I prefer watch it in English
  • Latin

    This school year I start to study Latin. I can translate some texts and understand some writings.
  • London

    Last November I went to London for 4 days. I speak with people and I made a bet with a friend for stay speak between us in English for a whole day and we did it how we could.