Period: to
Fetus distinguishes tone and rhythm of different sounds, show heart rate and brain wave changes to mother's voice and native language (Berk and Meyers,2016, p. 100) -
Reacts and turns head to sound, watches speaker and makes noise when talked to. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Babbles and repeats sounds, uses actions/gestures to communicate, understands "no" https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Attends to book or toy for about 2 min, points to object, pics, and family members, attempts to imitate simple words, follow simple directions with gestures. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Follow simple commands with no gestures, points to simple body parts, understands simple commonly used words, makes animal sounds, uses 8-10 words may be unclear, beginning to combine 2 words. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Knows about 50 words and says about 40 words, uses 2-3 word phrases, answers simple questions, begin use "you," "I," beginning to use plurals https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Speech is clearer, uses ing" ending in words, identify colors, group objects, expresses own ideas/feelings. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Uses 200-300 words, defines words, describes how to use them, answer "why" questions and understands complex questions. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Understands sequence order and rhyming, engages in conversation, describes objects and creates stories from own imagination. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/speech-and-language-developmental-milestones -
Period: to
Has about 2,00 words, understands "wh" questions, average sentence 6 words long. https://medicalobserverph.com/growingkids-developmental-milestones-of-6-12-year-olds/ -
Period: to
Understands verbs, uses past/future tenses, recognizes site words, reads and comprehends. https://medicalobserverph.com/growingkids-developmental-milestones-of-6-12-year-olds/ -
Period: to
Understands multiple meaning of words and figurative language, uses formal/informal language in appropriate settings. https://medicalobserverph.com/growingkids-developmental-milestones-of-6-12-year-olds/