prenatal development to 2 years old
Infants are watching and picking up language that takes place around them. Two year olds understand most of what is said to them, but is usually speaking with a rapidly growing vocabulary. Two years gradually graduate from 2 or 3 word sentences to 4,5,6 word sentences -
Age 2 to 5
Understands words for order, like first, next and last. Understands words for time, like yesterday, today and tomorrow. Can and will follow classroom directions. Says all speech sounds in words and talks without repeating sounds or words most of the time. Child is able to tell a short story and can keep a conversation going. -
Age 6-12
Can use language to predict and draw conclusions. Child will use long and complex sentences and understands others points of view with the ability to show that they agree or disagree. Can keep a conversation going by giving reasons and explaining choices. Child can start conversations with adults and other children they don't know.