Language Development Timeline

  • Infancy birth to twelve months,One month old

    The child will respond to a voice that it is familiar with, and will cry to express if he/she is uncomfortable with something.
  • Three months old

    Here now the child will cry less and make cooing sounds. They are now responding to mom's voice and smile.
  • Six months of age

    Here the child can vocalize their pleasures and displeasures about things. They will babble more because of excitement.
  • Nine months of age

    The child can now respond to one or two words and their name.They are also imitating sound that they might hear like clacking of tongue, hissing, and a cough.
  • Toddler 12 -24 mo; Twelve months or One year of age.

    The child is now imitating animals sounds. There is a control of intonations and pattern that are similar to their parents.
  • Thirteen to Eighteen months of age.

    Here the children can point to an object that they want. They may say about four to six words when they are about fifteen months. Then about ten words when they reach the age of eighteen months.
  • Preschool, Twenty four months or Two years of age.

    Here the child can now form small short sentences with a vocabulary of three hundred words. They can also use pronouns and tell people what they may want food, drink, and the potty.
  • Three years of age.

    The child now has about nine hundred words in their vocabulary. They can make a sentence and use about nine words in it. They can ask questions, repeat rhymes, and can say the sounds a,m,b,p,n,l and w.
  • School age, Five years of age and older.

    The child is speaking clearer now and using five to six words in the clear sentence that adults can understand.
  • Six years of age.

    Here they can use all types of sentence structures. They can also print the letters.
  • Seven to Twelve years of age.

    Here they can read and write words so adults can understand them. They can also think in concrete terms.
  • Thirteen to Sixteen years of age.

    Here the children can communicate at an advanced level. They can answer questions with monosyllables, and also have a higher vocabulary and comprehension education.