
Language Development Milestones

  • Birth

    Your baby is born! This is an exciting time full of a lot of learning experiences. Did you know that your new baby will be able to communicate with you? Through simple things like sucking movements and squinting your baby will be able to tell you if they're hungry or uncomfortable.
  • 3 Months

    3 Months
    Your baby is now three months old! During this age they will be able to follow people with their eyes, smiles when they hear voices, orient to sounds, and cry differently when they are hungry, tired, or in pain. Your baby will also probably coo quite a bit. At this age they are their prelinguistic vocal development. This means that they are moving from reflexive vocalization to eventually their first word.
  • 6 Months

    6 Months
    Halfway to a year! At this point in your baby's development they have begun their vocalization. They will mimic vowel sounds they hear and begin to have some consonant sounding mimics as well, and this is where you hear that adorable baby babble. They are very fascinating with making sounds, and you will probably finding them blowing raspberries quite a bit!
  • 10 Months

    10 Months
    Your child is at their final stage of their prelinguistic journey! At this age your baby will be very close to producing their first words. How exciting! Their babbling will sound more and more like words. Your child will also probably make loud noises to get attention and understand 3 to 50 words. They will be able to understand simple commands and talk to themselves when playing at mirrors.
  • 1 Year

    1 Year
    First birthday! This time is very exciting for so many reasons. During this time your child will most likely say their first words! After that, their vocabulary will continue to grow as they learn more about the world around them.
  • 18 months

    18 months
    Your baby is probably talking nonstop at this point! At this age they beginning to express themselves more and more with actual words. They will also point a lot, and they're favorite word will probably be no! At this age they will be able to hear and understand about 200 or more words, and be able to say 50-100 words.
  • 2 Year

    2 Year
    Now that your child can say a lot of words, they will begin stringing them together in two-word utterances. This means they will say things like "Mommy go" and "My dolly." They will essentially be having a vocabulary growth spurt! They will be able to express 200-300 words, and begin understanding word order. About 50% of what your child say will be intelligible to you!
  • 3 Year

    3 Year
    Ahh, the preschool years. Your child will begin talking about anything! They will talk about their toys and learn how to tease and lie. You will be able to have short conversations with your child, and they will understand simple commands and questions. They will be able to use three or four words at a time and begin understanding the concept of possession. Words like "a" and "the" will also appear in their language. Their speech will be about 75% intelligible at this age.
  • 4 Year

    4 Year
    At this age your child will be able to talk about events in the past and predict things that will happen in the future. They will acknowledge others messages to them with "uh huh" and "okay." You will be able to talk to your child for longer periods of time, and you can talk to them with how or why questions. You will begin to notice the words "and" and "because" showing up in their vocabulary. They will begin mastering a lot of the sounds in the alphabet, but not right away.
  • 5 Year

    5 Year
    How time as gone by! 5 years old! At this age your child will be able to talk about what the are feeling and be able to talk in narratives that have a plot, but not necessarily main characters or ending. They will understand things like "between" and "bottom." Words like "when" and "so" will show up in their vocabulary. Their sentences will be 4-8 words long and they will be able to use comparative language. Their speech will be 100% intelligible, with minor errors with difficult letter blends.