Birth- 1 month
Beginnings of speech and language development can be indentified in several of the newborn's reflexes. -
1 month-4 onths
reacts to sounds such as a voice and will later start to turn their head towards the direction it is coming from, coordinates vocalizing, looking and body movements in face-to-face exchange with parent ir caregiver, and babbles or coos when spoken to or smiled at. -
4- 8 months
responds to own name and simple demands, imitates nonspeech sounds, produces full range vowel sounds and cone consonants, responds to tone of voice, expresses emotions, talks to toys, babbles, and reacts differently to noises. -
8-12 months
babbles to initiate interaction, shakes head for no and nods for yes, responds by looking when name is called, babbles in entence like sequences, waves by and claps hands, says da-da and ma-ma, imitates sounds that are similar to ones that they have already learned to make, enjoys rhymes and simple songs, and hands toys or objects to an adult when appropriate. -
one year
produces considerable jargon, uses one word to convey an entire thought, follows simploe directions, points to familiar persons animals and toys, understands and identifies three body parts if someone names them and indicates a few desired objects and activities by name. -
3 year olds
talks about objects, events and people not present, talks about the actions of others, adds information to what has just been said, answers simple questions, asks many questions about location and identity of objects and people, uses an increasing nu,ber of speech forms that keep conversations going, calls attention to self, objects or events in the environment, promotes the behavior of others, joins in social interaction rituals, comments about objects and ongoing events, vocab inceases. -
4 year olds
uses prepositions, uses possessives, answers simple questions, produced elaborate sentence structures, uses intelligible speech, begins to use past tenses correctly, referse ti activities, events, objects, and people not present, changes tone of voice, states first and last name, gender, siblings and sometimes phone nuber, recites simple songs and rhymes -
5 year olds
Vocab of 1500 words, tells a story when looking at pictures, uses functional definitions, identifies and names 4-8 colors, recognizes humor in simple jokes, produces entences with 5-7 words, states birthday, name of city or town, and parents names, answers phone correctly, speech is almost entirely intelligible, uses past tense consistently, uses past tense inflection. -
6 year olds
talks non stop, carries adult like conversations, learns 5-10 new words a day, uses appropriate verb tenses, uses language rather than tantrums or physical aggression, talks senf through steps required in problem solving, imitates slang and profanity, delights in telling jokes and riddles, enjoys making uo stories, capable of learning more than one language. -
7 year olds
engages in story telling, uses adult like sentence structure and language in convesation, uses precise language, uses gestures to illustrate conversations, criticizes own performances, verbal exaggeration, offeres explanations in terms of own needs, describes personal expereinces in detail, understands and carries outb multi-step instructions, enjoys writing email messages and notes to friends. -
8 year olds
delights in telling jokes and riddles, understands and carries out multi-step instructions, reads with ease and understanding, writes letters or email messages to friends, uses language to criticize and compliment others, understand and follows rules of grammar in verbal and written form, intregued with learning secret word codes and using code language, converses fluently with adults. -
9-10 year olds
talks, often nonstop for no reason, expressives feelings and emotions through words, understands and uses language as a syatem for communicating with others, uses slang expressions commonly expressed by peers in conversation, recognizes some words have double meanings, finds humor in using illogical metaphors, shows advanced understanding of grammatical sequences. -
11-12 year olds
compeletes almost all langage development by now, talks and argues nonstop, uses longer and more complex sentence structures, masters increasingly complex vocabulary (4000-5000 words each year), becomes a thoughful listener, undertsands word statements can have implied manings, crasps comcepts of irony and sacrcasm, lasters sevral language styles.