7 Months
Babble is still around, but infants are able to say actual words and understand some spoken words -
2 Months
Infants start being able to make coo sounds and begin to babble. Repeating constant vowel sounds -
4 Months
Infants are interested in peek a boo -
1 Year
Babbling is turning into intonation and speech patterns -
18 Months
Vocabulary expands -
2 Years
Spoken vocabulary is growing to many common words, gaining 200-250 new words -
2 1/2 Years
Toddlers gain the ability to create short sentences -
4 Years
The ability to ask questions becomes more pronounced. -
5 Years
adult like sentence structure and problem solving -
6 Years
Kids have the ability to follow instructions -
9 Years
Kids begin understanding complicated vocabulary and have the ability to ask for help -
12 Years
Longer sentences, understanding of conversation topic, and understand formal and informal conversations (friend v.s teacher)