Landon on a tree

Landon's Life

  • I was born!!!!

    I was born!!!!
    I was born at St. Luke's Hospital. I was 6lbs. 3 oz.
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
  • 2nd Birthday

    2nd Birthday
  • 3rd birthday

    3rd birthday
  • 4th Birthday!!

    4th Birthday!!
  • 5th Birthday

    5th Birthday
    I started kindergarten on this birthday at J. Allen Axson. I liked that school. My teacher's name was Mrs. Emy.
  • First t-ball game

    First t-ball game
    I play baseball at Jax Beach. I have played on the all-star team for 2 years now!
  • Christmas 2009 at Disney World

    Christmas 2009 at Disney World
    I went to Disney World with my family for Christmas. They gave us free hot chocolate and cookies!
  • First trip to New York!

    First trip to New York!
    This was a picture of my first subway ride in NY! I loved New York!
  • 6th Birthday

    6th Birthday
  • 7th Birthday

    7th Birthday
  • My First Cruise

    My First Cruise
    Swimming with Dolphins in the Bahama's! The water was cold!!
  • 8th birthday

    8th birthday
    My birthday is always the first day of school! :(
    I always have to celebrate the weekend before my birthday.
  • Thanksgiving in the Mountains

    Thanksgiving in the Mountains
    This is me driving the gator. My family goes to the mountains in North Carolina every year for Thanksgiving.