French Rev.

  • storming the Bastille

    storming the Bastille
    The citizens storm the Bastille in 1789
  • start of the french rev.

    start of the french rev.
    the french rev. started on July 14 1789
  • The assembly

    The assembly
    The assembly abolishes the nobility and all titles
  • The King Attempts To Escape

    The King Attempts To Escape
    The king attempted to escape but is caught and brought back to Paris
  • The trial begins

    The trial begins
    The trial of Louis the 16th begins
  • The Reign Of Terror

    The Reign Of Terror
    The rein of terror begins and lasted to July 1794
  • Guillotine Crazy

    Guillotine Crazy
    The king went guillotine crazy and executed around 7000 people
  • The Reign Of Terror

    The Reign Of Terror
    The reign of terror was led by a group called the Jacobins
  • CRAZY!!!

    In 1 month 2500 people were executed
  • Maximilian Robespierre

    Maximilian Robespierre
    Robespierre became the most powerful man in France
  • The King Is Executed

    The King Is Executed
    The king was executed
  • The death of Robespierre

    The death of Robespierre
    Robespierre is the last victim of the reign of terror.