When Dinosaurs came to they took over or became dominant. -
Plant Takeover
Plants start to take over the land many different types of plants, like horsetails and ferns trees. The first wingless insects to appear . -
First things to appear
The first millipedes to appear on land. and many other things. -
First single-celled life forms
First single-celled life forms appeared as early as 3,800 years ago -
Landmass of North Carolina
The landmass of North Craolina started about 1,700 million years ago. -
Melting of polar ice caps
The polar ice caps melted and the sea level rose more than 300 feet above its present level -
Walking Humans
North Carolinas ancestors began to walk upright a few million years ago. -
Oldest rock found 4.4 million years ago -
Animals and plants
Mammals and plants evoled rapidly. -
95 percent of life on Earth became extinct in the Permian period -
Forest life
Trees grew more than 100 feet high, ferns thrived and primitive trees called scale. in coastal swamps vertebrates appeared. -
Animal life
There were differences in the animals (the sizes) Amphibians grew smaller than reptiles as the reptiles grew big. Bettles and flies changed do to the environment. -
North America and EuroAfrica continents colided. -
The wetland forest thrived and trees grew. -
Many vertabrates went in differnt ways and first green plant and fungi came on land.