Landmark legislation

  • Free public education in Pennsylvania

    The state constitution in Pennsylvania called for free public education to children who were poor. It was expected rich people could pay for their child schooling.
  • The beginning of Reform schools

    Massachusetts began a long tradition of reform schools when they created their reform school at Westboro. This was a school for children who refused to go to public school. This would later as well combine the education and juvenile justice systems.
  • Illegal to be educated in any language aside english

    Congress deemed it as illegal for native Americans to be educated in their native languages. Children were sent to boarding schools whose goal was to, "kill the Indian to save the man".
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    In 1892 Homer Plessy was arrested for sitting in a "whites' area" in Louisiana. Plessy argued the segregation law violated the 14th amendment. The courts argued that as long as the separate areas for the races were equal, there was no violation. This decision provided legal justification for segregation and remained in effect until Brown v. Board.
  • Brown v. Board

    Mr. Brown filed a lawsuit against the Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas, after his daughter, Linda Brown, was denied to an all-white school. Brown argued the schools were unequal and violated the 14th amendment. The court agreed and ruled that separate education facilities are unequal. This was a victory for Civil Rights.
  • Title IX

    Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any educational setting. The law covers issues such as, sexual harassment and sexual violence. This law has helped woman and girls in education and athletics giving them a protected environment. It created awareness for addressing and preventing sexual harassment in an educational setting.
  • Education for all handicapped children act

    This act was placed to ensure all children with disabilities had access to equal education. Public schools that received federal funding were required to evaluate children with disabilities and create a personalized education plan to help them succeed. The plan created is to be discussed with the children parent to ensure it will help. This helped increase chances in education for children with disabilities.
  • Plyer v. Doe

    In 1975, Texas passed a law that denied children who aren't legally admitted in the United Sates funding for their education. Undocumented children challenged this law stating it violated the 14th amendment after they had been denied enrollment in Texas public schools. The court ruled that the law didn't benefit and help these children by denying them access to school and a better future. This decision gave all children the right to free public education in the U.S.