Calvinist religion
Massachusetts Bay Colony orders any town with fifty families should have an elementary school in order to teach reading and writing skills to boys in order to read the bible. -
The laboring and the learned
Thomas Jefferson suggest a two- track educational system in order to pick out the smarter students from the rest. Creating this system that saw students as either assets to further our society or as labor workers. -
The Common School movement
The belief all children should be in school learning regardless of their gender, religion, social class, ethnicity or country of origin. making public schools for free to all -
Horace Mann
He saw that other countries were separation students by age groups instead of having them all in one school house like we were doing. he also introduced standardized curricula. The need to have a common knowledge across all schools operating. -
Plessy v.Ferguson
The US Supreme court ruled in favor of keeping colored people out of white spaces as long as they are given the same opportunities. The quote "separate but equal" was introduced. Homer Plessy who is one eighths black deliberately boarded a whites only train car resulting in the case that is now considered the worst decision by the supreme court. -
Economic Influence
The industrialization and the factory system grew in the 19th century bringing a new need for education. no longer needing it for the basics of reading and righting but the need to mold the students for factory work. -
Brown V Board of Education
The fight for nonsegregated schools was more about the fact black students were not getting the same education as white students when in fact it was proclaimed by law it should be "separate but equal" -
Title IX
Under Title XI schools are legally required to respond and fix any hostile educational environments. Any federally funded educational systems are not allowed to discriminate on any students based on gender. A very simple way of putting Title IX but is used in many ways, including sexual harassment/ violence. -
Education of all Handicapped Children Act
Referred to as EAHCA, was brought forward by the US Congress, was made to make a more safe environment and learning for students with mental and/or physical disabilities. Any public school receiving federal funding were required to produce one free meal a day to these students as well as create an educational plan with parents in order to provide an education reflecting the other students. -
Pyler v. Doe
The Equal protection clause in the 14th amendment was violated by the Texas law, denying undocumented children free education. The US Supreme court said that Texas state was not upholding the education of residence, citizens and aliens(undocumented) students. -
20th Century
The new century brought technology, a new tool to be used in the classroom and outside the classroom to connect students. Everything from computers to smart-boards could be the tool to help students engage. There is many more to come and calls for a new change in education. -
No Child Left Behind Act
No child left behind was one part of Title I introduced in 2002. Standardize testing for all federally funded schools in order to track the learning development of students and set money based on their needs.