The board of education for D.C. had the exceptional students (students with emotional, physical, and mental disabilities) removed, expelled, and committed to avoid educating them. The students and their families were denied due process and a free public education. The courts ruled in favor of the students and their families and because of the ruling, later legislation included sections of free public education. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqEJGSPc5AQ -
Honig Vs. Doe
John Doe is an emotionally disturbed student that was suspended due to behavior deemed dangerous by the school. During that suspension, they informed his mother he would be expelled and remain suspended until those proceedings were finished. Doe filed suit due to the "Stay put" provision. Courts rule that if a student's behavior is due to their disability, the iep must immediately be amended to correct the issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR1Zpd7UfdQ -
Timothy W. v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District
Timothy’s attorney filed suit in federal district court, they felt the board had violated several laws. The school board felt that they had no requirement to educate a child that professionals had deemed unable to learn, so they rejected attempt by the family and their pediatrician to add physical nad occupational therapy to his IEP. The courts ruled in favor of Timothy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxwEdp-hBLg