
land ordnance of 1785 and northwest ordnance 1787

  • land ordance of 1785 and northwest ordance

    these ordance gave the federal goverment the right to amnage unsetteled lands
  • Uranium Mill Tailing Radiation Control Act of 1978

    Uranium Mill Tailing Radiation Control Act of 1978
    Uranium is broken down into powder to crete fuel. msay pose a health risk
  • CERCA Comprehensive Enviornmental Response Compensation And Liability ACt

    CERCA Comprehensive Enviornmental Response Compensation And Liability ACt
  • Nuclear Waste Policy ACt of 1982

    Nuclear Waste Policy ACt of 1982
    how to Dispose of low levels of radiation.
  • American Clean Energy and Security Act

    American Clean Energy and Security Act
    National climate and energy act for clean energy
  • The Clean Energy jobs and American Power Act

    The Clean Energy jobs and American Power Act
    To Create clean jobs in areas of production of clean energy
  • home stead act of 1862

    home stead act of 1862
    citizens could claim 160 of public land after lving on it for five years they could own it for a fee of 16
  • general mining law of 1872

    general mining law of 1872
    the act provided and allowed mining to occueer subjuect to local customs with no goverment oversight
  • natonal park service 1916

    natonal park service 1916
    congrass crated the national park service in to manage the growing number of antoanl parks and monuments
  • clean water act

    clean water act
    Testimony of Peter Lehner, Executive Director, Natural Resources Defense Council, before the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, House of Representatives on October 18, 2007