Near Waynesville, North Carolina, had an intense earthquake rating at a 5.2. The tops of chimneys were shaken down and many glass windows broke in homes. This type of earthquake was a srike slip fault. -
Mount St. Helen
The eruption rose 80,000 feet in the air sending ash to 11 different states. After the eruption, followed lahars, sulfur dioxide emmision. -
Appalachian Mountains
Sedimentary rocks were sent upward as pressure increased under sea level 100 million years ago. The pressure and collision of plates cause the sea bed to rise creating the Appalachian mountians. URL -
Fall Line
The Fall Line is a river in which major erosion occurs. It contains big rough rocks but as some are carried down they are softend miles down the river. URL -
Barrier Island
A barrier Island is a long narrow strip of sand that is seperated by water. They are generally on the coast and are not far off. They formed when the waves and winds pushed the sand together forming about sea level. URL -
Devonian Period
In the Devonian Period, a plate named the Baltica colliding with a north american plate. The Carolina Terrane collided with the north american plate, which both events cause the Acadian Mountain range to form.
Central America: (center of the western Mexican Volcanic belt) Jan. 3, 2016, a pressure from the lava erupted cause the rich ash to poof out of the volcano. This occured multiple times, each interval 2-6 hours. -
Blue Ridge Valley was formed by the erosion of floowing water with no outlet to drain the water. The downward erosion causes the 'v' shape of the valley. -
Hurricane FLoyd
A large hurrican that hit the eastcoase, type cape verde. It killed around 60 people and costed around 6 million dollars. Leaving freshwater floods everywhere.