140328144511 vanuatu land divers 07

Land Diving Ritual

  • Origins

    The story has it that a man and wife and were arguing. To get away from him she climbed a tree and tied a vine around her ankle. When he followed her up she jumped knowing he would jump after her. She survived... he did not.
  • Progression

    -Originally women performed the land dive in respect to the origin story. However, the men were not pleased and decided to take it up themselves.
  • Symbols and Actions

    Symbols and Actions
    The ritual evolved much over time. The women jumping from trees kicked it off. from there it has gone to
    -men doing the jump
    -Men Jumping from wooden towers instead of Trees
    -Rite of passage for young men to show their manhood
    -It is perfumed from April to June on saturdays
  • Changes

    The ritual has changed very much over the years. As it currently is the Land dive is performed off of a man made tower crafted from wood and sticks that can take 7 weeks to build and is 100ft tall. Women are not allowed near the tower as it is bad luck and the boys have to sleep under the tower to prevent evil spirits.
  • importance

    This is a very important ritual. This is a ritual that helps the boys of Pentecost island become men. After the preparation and phases leading up to the land dive and completing the jump you have transitioned from childhood to adulthood.