7000 BCE
Mesopotamia-The first farm settlements
Farm settlements first started coming to Mesopotamia in 7000 BC. p. 55. -
3200 BCE
Egypt-Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
Egypt's villages grouped together to form two Kingdoms. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. p. 88 -
Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE
Sumer-The Sumerians
In southern Mesopotamia the Sumerians created the world's first civilization. p. 60 and 72. -
Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE
Egypt-The Old Kingdom
The Old Kingdom was a period in which the Egyptian society developed a political system and social structure. p. 90 -
2334 BCE
Mesopotamia-Sargon comes to power
Sargon was a strategic military leader and gained the trust and loyalty of his soldiers. p. 61 -
Period: 2300 BCE to 1700 BCE
India-The Harappan Civilization
The Harappan Civilization grew along rivers in India. They grew as agriculture and irrigation improved. p. 127 and 128 -
2200 BCE
China-Yu the Great founds the Xia Dynasty
Yu the Great was a smart emperor in China who helps their civilization grow by coming up with new ideas. p. 163 -
Period: 2050 BCE to 1750 BCE
Egypt-The Middle Kingdom
The Middle Kingdom was a time of stability and order in Egypt. p. 96 -
2000 BCE
Sumer-The Epic of Gilgamesh recorded
The world's oldest epic, the Epic of Gilgamesh, was first recorded on stone tablets. p. 70. -
2000 BCE
India-Aryans arrived
The Aryans were originally from Central Asia near the Caspian Sea but over time became the dominant group in India. p. 128 -
Period: 2000 BCE to 1400 BCE
Crete-The Minoans
The Minoans spent a lot of their time at sea because they lived on an island. They were excellent ship builders. p. 230 and 231 -
Period: 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE
Egypt-The New Kingdom
The New Kingdom was a period which Egypt reached the height of its power and glory. p. 97 -
Period: 1500 BCE to 1100 BCE
China-The Shang Dynasty
The Shang Dynast ruled a big part of northern China. It is the first of China's dynasties that we have clear evidence of. p. 163 and 166 -
Period: 1400 BCE to 1200 BCE
Crete-The Myceneans
The Myceneans were the first people to be considered Greek. The Myceneans built fortresses on the Greek mainland. p. 231 -
1200 BCE
Egypt-Ramses the Great
Ramses the Great was a pharaoh whose rule was one of the longest in Egyptian history. p. 98 -
1200 BCE
Egypt-God speaks to Moses
God chose a leader among the Israelites named Moses who he used to bring the Israelites to freedom from the Egyptians. p. 203 -
Period: 1200 BCE to 612 BCE
Fertile Cresent-The Assyrians
The Assyrians were a people group who conquered much of the Fertile Cresent. p. 74 and 75 -
965 BCE
Israel-Solomon is king
David's son, Solomon took the throne and like his father was a strong king. p. 205 -
900 BCE
Greece-The Classical Age
The beginning of the Classical Age was when the Greeks set up independent city states for stability and protection. p. 232 -
753 BCE
Rome-Romulus becomes king
Romulus is said to be the first king of Rome. He has an interesting backstory that tells what brought him to build the city of Rome. p.297 -
Period: 700 BCE to 550 BCE
Persia-The Medes
The Medes had control over Persia for 150 years. p. 260 -
590 BCE
Athens-Solon creates better laws
The people of Athens thought the previous laws were too strict so when Solon became king, he created a set of laws that were less harsh and gave more rights. p. 237 -
Period: 586 BCE to 530 BCE
Judah-The Chaldeans
The Chaldeans captured Jerusalem and marched thousands of Jews to Babylon to work as slaves. p. 206 -
550 BCE
Persia-Persian Independence
Cyrus II led a revolt against the Medes that had previously conquered them. His revolt was successful. p. 260 -
Period: 530 BCE to 330
Judah-The Persians
The Persians conquered the Chaldeans and let the Jews return to Jerusalem. They were eventually conquered by invaders. p. 206 -
509 BCE
Rome-Creation of the republic
The government of Rome created a republic where people elect leaders to govern them. p. 298 -
500 BCE
India-Siddhartha becomes restless
Siddhartha was dissatisfied and started to ask his own questions about life and religious matters. p.136 -
500 BCE
Athens-The world's first democracy
When a man named Cleisthenes became king, he didn't want aristocrats to run the government anymore. With the help of the people, he was able to overthrow the aristocrats and establish democracy. p. 238 -
Period: 490 BCE to 480 BCE
Greece-The Persian Wars
Nine years before, Greece had rebelled against Persia and lost. To get even, Darius invaded Greece. The invasion of Greece led to a series of wars between Persia and Greece called the Persian Wars. p. 263 and 270 -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Athens-The Peloponnesian War
Sparta believed the Athenians were getting too powerful so they declared war. This started the Peloponnesian War. p. 271 -
400 BCE
Rome-Changes to the government
When the plebeians complained about Rome's government the city leaders knew they had to change the law or there would be an uprising. They made some changes to Rome's government. p. 302 -
323 BCE
Babylon-Alexander the Great dies
Alexander the Great built one of the greatest empires in history. On his way back home, he stopped in Babylon and got sick. He died there. p. 274 -
Period: 320 BCE to 184 BCE
India-The Mauryan Empire
When Candragupta Maurya took control of the northern part of India, he founded the Mauryan Empire. p. 142 and 143 -
Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE
Rome-The Punic Wars
When others started to see Rome as a threat, they started to declare war on them. One of the fiercest battles was the Punic Wars. In the Punic Wars, Rome fought against Carthage. p. 309 -
251 BCE
India-Buddhists send missionaries
Buddhists start sending missionaries out to different countries to tell other people of their religion. p. 140 -
221 BCE
China-Unified China
Ying Zheng successfully unified China and gave himself the name Shi Huangdi meaning the first emperor. p. 172 -
Period: 221 BCE to 207 BCE
China-The Qin Dynasty
During the Warring States period, the Qin dynasty built a strong army that eventually unified China under one government. p.172 and 178 -
Period: 138 BCE to 78 BCE
Rome-Lucius Connelius Sulla's reign
Sulla was a dictator in Rome and changed the government with many traditional ideas. p. 313 -
50 BCE
Gaul-Gaul is conquered
Julius Caesar conquered nearly all of Gaul. He later wrote about his victory. p. 323 -
31 BCE
Rome-Civil War
A man named Antony caused Civil War in Rome by divorcing Octavian's sister. Octavian attacked Antony and won in the end. p. 324 -
Period: 27 BCE to 400
Rome-The Roman Empire
The mark of the end of the republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire was when Octavian gave himself the name Augustus which means "revered one". p. 324 and 342 -
1 CE
Rome-Christianity appears
In the first century AD, Christianity appeared in Judea. p. 334 -
1 CE
China-Buddhism spreads to China
When China came into contact with other countries along the Silk Road, many ideas were exchanged including Buddhism. p. 188 -
Israel-The Jews revolt
The Zealots encourages other Jews to rise up and revolt against the Romans because they were tired of foreign rule. p. 214 -
Period: 220 to 589
China-The Period of Disunion
The Period of Disunion was the disorder that followed the fall of the Han Dynasty. p. 410 -
Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1200
Ghana-The Empire of Ghana
The beginning of Ghana started when the Soninke began to band together for protection. Ghana grew to be extremely wealthy. p. 386 and 388 -
India-Candra Gupta II takes the throne
Under Candra Gupta's rule, Gupta society reached its high point. Candra Gupta extends the Gupta territory. p. 144 -
Europe-Saint Patrick spreads Christianity
Saint Patrick was a monk who traveled to spread Christianity to Ireland. p. 501 -
Europe-Charlemagne rules
Charlemagne was an excellent war leader and a strong king. He led the Franks to build a huge empire. p. 503 -
Period: 400 to Jan 1, 845
China-The Age of Buddhism
During the Age of Buddhism, Buddhism influenced parts of Chinese culture, art, literature, and architecture. p. 412 -
Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500
Europe-The Middle Ages
When Europe divided into small kingdoms, that marked the beginning of the Middle Ages. It was called the Middle Ages because it fell between ancient times and modern times. p. 500 -
Mecca-Muhammad is born
Muhammad was born in 570 AD. He brought a new religion to Arabia called Islam. p. 356 -
Period: 573 to Jan 1, 621
Japan-Prince Shotoku
Prince Shotoku was a great leader in Japan. He started to rule when he was only 20 years old. Many legends have developed about his wisdom. p. 444 -
Jan 1, 634
Arabia-Arabia is unified
Abu Bakr led a series of battles to unite Arabia. By the time he died, Arabia was unified into one Muslim state. p. 362 -
Jan 1, 700
Europe-Europe gets invaded
Around the 800s, Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims began to raid Europe. These invaders caused Europe to develop a feudal system. p. 506 -
Period: Jan 1, 711 to Jan 1, 1411
Spain-The Moors
Combined Arab and Berber armies tried to invade Spain. Muslims called the Moors ruled parts of Spain for a long time. p. 363 -
Period: Jan 1, 794 to Jan 1, 1185
Japan-The Golden Age of arts
The nobles were great supporters of the arts. The court at Heian became ta great center of culture and learning. The period between 794 and 1185 was a golden age of arts in Japan. p. 446 -
Jan 1, 868
China-The world's first printed book
With the help of woodblock printing, the first known printed book was created in China. p. 418 -
Jan 1, 868
China-The world's first printed book
With the help of woodblock printing, the world's first printed book was created in China. p. 418 -
Jan 1, 900
Europe-The Holy Roman Empire
When a king got the approval of the pope to be king, the people saw it as the rebirth of the Roman Empire, so people called it the Holy Roman Empire. p. 526 -
Jan 1, 1000
Zimbabwe-Zimbabwe was founded
Great Zimbabwe was a very powerful kingdom in southern Africa. It was founded as a trading and herding center. Zimbabwe took control of a large trading network. p. 394 -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 1, 1500
America-The Mayans
Mayans first started to settle in the tropical forests of what is now northern Guatemala. Maya culture was mainly based on social structure and religion. p. 468 and 473 -
Period: Jan 1, 1090 to Jan 1, 1291
Europe-The Crusades
On the first crusade, about 5,000 Crusaders left Europe to fight. There were more than four Crusades but in the end, none of them were really successful. p. 529 and 530 -
Jan 1, 1100
Japan-New forms of Buddhism
Many different forms of Buddhism were formed in China being caught on by the Japanese such as Zen Buddhism. p. 450 -
Jan 1, 1100
Europe-Gothic Architecture
Europeans built their cathedrals using a new style called Gothic architecture. p. 538 -
Period: Jan 1, 1100 to
Japan-The Samurai period
Because the emperor was so caught up in courtly life, he didn't realize all the trouble going on in his country. The Japanese daimyo didn't feel safe anymore so they hired samurai to keep them safe. p. 454 and 459 -
Period: Jan 1, 1122 to Jan 1, 1204
Europe-Eleanor of Aquitaine was queen
Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most powerful people in the Middle Ages. She ruled as the king's vassal. She was the queen of France and queen of England. p. 510 -
Jan 1, 1206
Mongol-Genghis Khan unites the Mongols
Before Temujin, the Mongols had lived as separate tribes. Then Temujin came along as a powerful leader and united all the tribes as one. He named himself Genghis Khan or "Universal Ruler". p. 424 -
Jan 1, 1215
Europe-The Magna Carta
King John was a horrible and cruel king. The nobles decided that they had to put some boundaries on him and every king who came after him. They made him sign a document listing the rights that the king could not ignore called the Magna Carta. p. 540 -
Jan 1, 1230
Mali-Sundiata captures Ghana
Sundiata had a very strong army that he used to conquer nearby kingdoms such as Ghana. p. 390 -
Period: Jan 1, 1312 to Jan 1, 1337
Mansa Musa's rule
Mansa Musa was a powerful leader who helped Mali grow strong. Mansa Musa helped Islam to spread through West Africa. p. 391 -
Jan 1, 1320
World-Ibn Battutah traveled
Ibn Battutah was an explorer who traveled to Africa, India, China, and Spain. p. 369 -
Period: Jan 1, 1325 to Jan 1, 1521
America-The Aztecs
The very first Aztecs were farmers. They settled on a swampy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco. There they built their capital. War, tribute, and trade made the Aztecs strong. p. 474 and 478 -
Period: Jan 1, 1347 to Jan 1, 1351
Europe-The Black Death
While the Hundred Years War was going on, a disease was sweeping through Europe killing millions of people called the Black Death. It killed almost a third of Europe's population. p. 543 -
Period: Jan 1, 1353 to Jan 1, 1354
West Africa-Ibn Battutah visits
Ibn Battah wrote about West Africa when he visited it. His account describes much detail about the political and cultural lives of West Africans. p. 398 -
Jan 1, 1368
China-Yuan dynasty defeated
In the 1300s some Chinese groups decided to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang led a rebel army who overthrew the Mongols and China was once again ruled by the Chinese. p. 426 -
Jan 1, 1400
Aztects-Spanish arrived
Led by Hernan Cortes, Spanish conquistadors sought to find gold, claim land, and convert native people. p. 478 -
Mar 28, 1400
Incas-Pachacuti extends Inca territory
The Incas arose in South America. Their capital was Cuzco. A leader named Pachacuti began to extend Inca territory. Others later followed his example making the Inca territory huge. p. 479 -
Jan 1, 1521
Aztects-Aztecs surrender
The Aztecs were forced to surrender to the Spanish because of disease, lack of weapons, and many other factors. p. 478 -
Period: Jan 1, 1526 to
Central Asia-The Mughal Empire
The Mughals were Turkish Muslims from Central Asia. Their territory was in northern India. p. 366 and 367 -
Japan-Tokugawa ruled Japan
Tokugawa Ieyasu was made Shogun because he had conquered his enemies and unified Japan. He started the Tokugawa shogunate which was the rule by shoguns of the Tokugawa family. p. 459 -
"Social Studies Event" The U.S. Government
The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 has influenced the kind of government that the U.S. has today. It has indirectly formed the Bill of Rights and how much power the president/king has. -
"Social Studies Event" China's Buddhist population
The fact that Buddhism was spread to China in 1AD reflects the fact that in China, 18.2 of its population is Buddhist. -
"Social Studies Event" The Building of the Dalat Library
The creation of the first printed book in China in 868 AD has allowed for libraries all over the world. It influences me directly by allowing for books to be read from libraries like the one that went up in Dalat. -
"Social Studies Event" Saint Patrick's Day
Because Saint Patrick spread Christianity to Ireland, the holiday celebrating him is now the most celebrated in the world today.