Lana 1

Lana Del Rey Timeline

By adiazde
  • Birth

    Elizabeth Woolridge Grant is born.
  • Period: to


  • Sister is born

    Sister is born
    Her little sister is born
  • Brother

    Little brother is born
  • Boarding School

    Boarding School
    Lizzie is sent to Boarding School.
  • First Performance

    First Performance
  • Sirens 's first album is released

    Sirens 's first album is released
  • Lana Del Rey

    Lana Del Rey
    She decides to call herself Lana Del Rey. This is her artistic name.
  • Born to Die

    Born to Die
    Born to Die album is released
  • Paradise Edition

    Paradise Edition
    She re-released Born to Die but Paradise Edition and it comes with a whole new track of songs.
  • Ultra violence

    Ultra violence
    She released her Ultra violence album.
  • Honeymoon

    Her fourth album