Dewayne Lamb Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind
    Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of wind that'll help Odysseus get back home. Odysseus didn't want to tell his crew what was really in the bag so his crew thought that Odysseus was probably hiding gold. They ended up opening the bag anyway and that made them go all the way back to Aeolia.
  • 1200 BCE

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    The Trojan War was fought over the wife of Menelaus, Helen. Paris was promised the prize of the most beautiful woman from Aphrodite. Helen was captured by Paris with the help her. Chaos struck when Menelaus found out she was kidnapped. This led to a 10-year war with the Greeks and Trojans in order for him to get Helen back. This war was brought to an end when the Greeks built a large wooden horse as an offering to the Trojans from Athena. Warriors invaded Troy from the inside and destroyed Troy.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men go to an island that has a bunch of people who eat something called the lotus fruit, a fruit that makes people forget about returning home and rather stay on the island and eat the fruit after consumed. Odysseus tries to get his men off of the island before they end up eating it.
  • 1200 BCE


    Analysis-- In Lotus-Eaters, Odysseus learns how to not be tempted and keep his mindset on returning home. Odysseus' men learned
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ cattle

    Helios’ cattle
    Eurylochus gets Odysseus' men to eat Helio's cattle. Due to this bad idea, Helios asks Zeus and the other gods to punish Odysseus and his crew. When Odysseus and his men set sail, Zeus destroys their ship.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1210 BCE

    The Trojan War

    Analysis-- From the summary, you can assume that the whole war was Aphrodite's fault because she gave off Helen without permission. Aphrodite knew that Helen was married with children and still gave her off with someone helping Paris kidnap Helen.
  • 1200


    After the incident with the bag of wind, Odysseus and his men set sail to Aeaea. They then run into Circe, a god whose beautiful and can manipulate men into doing anything she wants. Circe does this to some of Odysseus' men, turning them into pigs. Circe then tries this on Odysseus but it doesn't work. After that fails, Odysseus' men are back to normal and they set sail again.
  • 1200


    Odysseus and his crew go to this island full of these giants with one eye. They try and go for food on this island but get found by one of the Cyclops named Prometheus. Prometheus eats two of Odysseus' men and captures him and the rest of them. To escape, Odysseus gets one of the Cyclops drunk. After this, he stabs the cyclops in the eye, blinding him.
  • 1200


    Odysseus returns back to Aeaea and talks to Circe. Circe tells Odysseus what he and his men may come across on their journey back home. She tells him about the Sirens, who have a seductive singing voice. Odysseus and his men go to that ocean have his men put beeswax in their ears to deafen the sound and to bind Odysseus to the ship. The song almost entices Odysseus, but his men tried their best to bind him tighter.
  • 1200

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Odysseus and his men meet a six head monster named Scylla, who would swallow try to swallow six of Odysseus' men. He also meets Charybdis, an enormous whirlpool that would try to swallow the ship in.