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LACROSSE/ Lizeth Moreno-Paula Villanueva/ 10A/ 25/03/2021

  • Mar 5, 1401

    The First Lacrosse Stick

    The First Lacrosse Stick
    The first lacrosse stickThe first lacrosse stick was created during the 15th century. It is said that it was created by the American Indians
  • The first "basic" rules of lacrosse are created

    The first "basic" rules of lacrosse are created
    They were created during a game between Seneca and Mohawks.They were created by a young dentist named William George Beers who strove to establish new instructions and rules for Lacrosse, which did not have a written regulation.
  • White men become interested

    White men become interested
    Now white men started to become interested in lacrosse after being shown by Native Americans.Jean de Brebeuf watched the Indians play it so it was adopted by the French, the violence in the game decreased markedly.
  • The first game of lacrosse

    The first game of lacrosse
    The world's first official game took place in 1867 in Canada. Upper Canada lost against the Toronto Cricket Club by three goals to one.
  • QUEEN VICTORIA and First College team begins.

    QUEEN VICTORIA  and First College team begins.
    In 1876 Queen Victoria watched a game being played and remarked that “The game is very pretty to watch.” And New York University fielded the nation's first college team in 1877
  • The First lacrosse tournament was played

    The First lacrosse tournament was played
    The first intercollegiate lacrosse tournament was held in 1881, with Harvard beating Princeton, 3–0, in the championship game.New York University and Columbia University also participated.
  • The First Womens lacrosse game is played

    The First Womens lacrosse game is played
    Lacrosse came to Great Britain together with the girls 'school, St. Leonard School, which is known to have created the first girls' Lacrosse team in 1890.
  • Lacrosse is first played as an actual event in the Olympics

     Lacrosse is first played as an actual event in the Olympics
    Lacrosse is first played as an actual event in the Olympics in St. Louis, with Canada winning the gold medal. The United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse League is formed. Laurie D. Cox, William C. Schmeisser and Charles Lattig form a committee to develop a uniform code of operation for college lacrosse, and divide the colleges into north and south divisions.
  • Started a Womens Lacrosse Team in Baltimore

    Started a Womens Lacrosse Team in Baltimore
    In the lacrosse timeline, Rosabelle Sinclair reestablishes women's lacrosse in the United States when she starts a team at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore.
  • Mens positions change

    Mens positions change
    In the lacrosse timeline, the men's field game positions change from goalkeeper, point, cover point, first defense, second defense, center, second attack, first attack and in home to goal keeper, attack, midfield and defense