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Labor Movements Timeline

  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    March 25 1911 there was a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory. This was a factory with mainly women in it. There were not any valid safety precautions there causing 146 women to die because they were locked upstairs and couldn't leave. There were many safety hazards in the building such as a barrel of oil blocking the way out as well as broken fire escapes. The owners were not charged with breaking any policies because their were no real fire safety policies set at the time.
  • Great Railroad Strike of 1922

    Great Railroad Strike of 1922
    This was a strike among many railroad workers whose wages were being cut by the Railroad Labor Board. These strikes eventually turned violent, strikebreakers had to be hired. At least ten people ended up dead along with many injuries. The result of these event was monetary losses in millions that the nation suffered from.
  • Radium Girls

    Radium Girls
    The use of radium in consumer products ended in 1968. Radium girls refers to the young women working in factories where they painted watches with radium infused paint. This gave many of these women radiation pointing leading to lifelong problems and event in some cases death. These women fought for about 40 years in legal battles for compensation.
  • The Great Postal Strike of 1970

    The Great Postal Strike of 1970
    These postal workers were forbidden to strike. They were paid wages that were unlivable. Eventually congress gave them a 5.4 percent increase but this was barely anything, it made the workers mad. So, they decided to have 200,000 workers walk off the job. Armed forces had to be dispatched to deliver the mail. Eventually after bargain they were given an 8 percent increase.
  • I've Been to the Mountaintop

    I've Been to the Mountaintop
    By: Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Puerto Rican Obituary

    Puerto Rican Obituary
    By: Pedro Pietri
  • Labor Markets and Minimum Wage: Crash Course Economics #28

    Labor Markets and Minimum Wage: Crash Course Economics #28
    By: Crash Course
  • Labor’s labor's lost? A year after stunning victory at Amazon, unions are stalled.

    Labor’s labor's lost? A year after stunning victory at Amazon, unions are stalled.
    By: Andrea Hsu
  • The Delano Grape Strike & Boycott

    The Delano Grape Strike & Boycott