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La Via Campesina

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    The Globalization of La Via Campesina

    My research question for this project is, "What significant events or actions facilitated the globalization of this social movement?"
  • Nicaragua - Nettie Wiebe met with Nicaraguan farmwomen

    Nicaragua - Nettie Wiebe met with Nicaraguan farmwomen
    Several peasant leaders from around the world met in Managua, Nicaragua, at the Congress of the National Union of Farmers and Ranchers (UNAG) to consider the grave consequences of the trade negotiations underway at that time. The leaders agreed that the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) posed a terrible threat to peasant and small-scale agriculture everywhere and must be resisted.
  • La Via Campesina Launch

    La Via Campesina Launch
    Official Launch of La Via Campesina
  • Agenda - Mons, Belgium

    The first organizing meeting for La Via Campesina that laid the foundation for an authentic, global peasant movement to resist the neo-liberal agenda of the GATT.
  • Alliances - Launch of La Via Campesina

    The launch was initiated by Central, Southern and Northern American peasant and farmers’ movements and European farmers’ groups.
  • Agenda & Alliances - Tlaxcala, Mexico

    The 2nd Conference of La Via Campesina in Tlaxcala, Mexico in 1996 was the next global gathering of delegates representing peasant and small farmer organizations from around the world to form International Coordinating Committee (ICC).
    Representatives of 23 Latin American and Caribbean networks, movements and organizations, and of 11 Colombian organizations concluded the Alliance creation process.
  • Strategies - Rome, Italy - Food Sovereignty Declaration

    Strategies - Rome, Italy - Food Sovereignty Declaration
    At the World Food Summit of FAO in Rome in 1996, Via Campesina introduced food sovereignty as a political alternative to a profoundly unfair and predatory food system food.
    Women contributed their own demands: produce food locally; added the dimension of “human health” to “sustainable agricultural practices”; a drastic reduction in harmful chemical inputs; greater female participation in the definition of rural policies; and advocating the active promotion of organic agriculture.
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    Anti-Land Grabbing Collective Actions

    New Film Exposes the Devastating Impact Land Investments are having in Mali
    La Via Campesina actively participates in their members' collective actions against land grabbing
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    Green Revolution and Anti GMO Global Movements

    Anti GMO movementMembers of La Via Campesina use non-violent actions against the implementation of GMOs.
  • Agenda & Strategies - Bangalore, India

    Agenda & Strategies - Bangalore, India
    The 1st International Assembly of Women Farmers was organized. This allowed for greater participation of women in the organization.
    The Assembly adopted three major goals:
    1) to ensure the participation of 50% of women at all levels of decisions and activities
    2) to maintain and strengthen the Women’s Commission, and 3) to ensure that documents, training events and speeches of Via Campesina did not have sexist content or sexist language
  • Agenda & Strategies - Sao Paolo, Brazil

    Agenda & Strategies - Sao Paolo, Brazil
    As part of this LVC conference, the 2nd International Assembly of Women Farmers brought together more than a hundred women from 47 countries on all continents.
    The main lines of action that emerged from the meeting were to take action against physical and sexual violence against women; both domestically and internationally; demand equal rights and invest in education.
  • Strategies - Santiago de Compostela, Spain - World Congress of Women

    Women from Asia, North America, Europe, Africa and Latin America met to discuss the meaning of equality in the field and a plan of action to achieve it.The faced three challenges: 1) to advance the theoretical discussion to incorporate the feminist peasant perspective in mainstream feminist analysis, 2) continue work on autonomy as a vital reference for the consolidation of the movement of rural women,3) to overcome the feeling of guilt in the struggle for higher positions of power over men
  • Strategies - Hong Kong, China - Mobilization against WTO

    Strategies - Hong Kong, China - Mobilization against WTO
    LVC mobilized against the WTO and free policies in Hong Kong to stop the current negotiations and demand an analysis of the impacts of global trade under the WTO.
  • Alliances - World March of Women

    Alliances - World March of Women
    The incorporation of a feminist perspective within Via Campesina generated more solidarity. LVC made alliances with the World March of Women, a leading feminist global network that has called for joint actions and meetings, and has collaborated in activities such as the International Forum for Food Sovereignty held in Mali in 2007.
  • Alliances - World Forum For Food Sovereignty

    ROPPA (Network of Farmers’ and Agricultural Producers’ Organisations of West Africa), the World March of Women, the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish workers, the World Forum of Fisher Peoples, the International Planning Committee on Food Sovereignty, The Food Sovereignty Network, and Friends of the Earth have joined forces to design dynamic strategies to implement global and local food systems which support small producers and consumers rather than transnational companies.
  • Alliances - European Coordination Via Campesina

    Alliances - European Coordination Via Campesina
    The process initiated by the European Farmers’ Coordination (CPE) and COAG and includes rural and agricultural workers’ organisations of Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Malta and Turkey.
  • Agenda & Strategies - Maputo, Mozambique

    Agenda & Strategies - Maputo, Mozambique
    During this meeting the members evaluated their main struggles, actions and activities of the past 4 years. They highlighted the massive mobilizations against the WTO, against Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in different parts of the world, and against the G8 in Rostock and Hokkaido. 3rd International Assembly of Women approved the launch of a campaign targeting all forms of violence faced by women in society (physical, economic, social, sexist, cultural, and access to power).
  • Representation & Accountability - The UN and LVC debate green economy

    Rio de Janeiro - A debate was held between representatives of Via Campesina and other civil society organizations with the president of UNEP, United Nations Program for Environment, Achim Steiner on the green economy, the UNs proposals and its influence on the everyday life of the worlds population.
  • Collective Action - Stop Land Grabbing

  • Collective Action - Anti-Land Grab

  • Representation & Accountability - European Parliament- Brussels

    Representation & Accountability - European Parliament- Brussels
    Meeting at the European Parliament- Brussels on Land Grabbing in Europe.
    In attendance:
    Olivier De Schutter, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
    Willy Meyer, Patrick Le Hyaric and Joao Ferreira, MEPs
    The authors of the Report on Land Grabbing in Europe, study coordinated by ECVC and the coalition Hands off the Land (TNI, FIAN International, FIAN Netherlands, FIAN Germany, FIAN Austria, IGO in Poland and FDCL in Germany)
  • Alliances - Africa, Palestine, Taiwan

    Alliances - Africa, Palestine, Taiwan
    33 new member organizations were ratified at a conference in Indonesia, bringing the count to 183 countries.

    These members are not just farmers organizations, but also indigenous peoples movements, women's movement, urban movements, landless peoples movements and many others.
  • Agenda - Jakarta, Indonesia

    Twenty years after La Vía Campesina International was founded, the global network of rural organizations has agreed to a new worldwide action plan based on small-scale farming and agro-ecology, food sovereignty, and self-determination of communities. At the same time, the group is reaffirming its stance against transnational corporations, industrial agriculture and agri-business.
  • Collective Action - New Delhi, India