La Revolución Industrial

  • Arado de Rotherham

    Arado de Rotherham
    It was built by Joseph Foljambe, its triangular shape made it easier to pull it and it was adapted to be pulled by horses.
  • Carbón de coque en altos hornos

    Carbón de coque en altos hornos
    The coal was used as fuel to feed the steam engines for the use of the operation of said machines.
  • Lanzadera volante de kay

    Lanzadera volante de kay
    The flying launcher was an improvement that allowed the automation of the weaving process that was used as a textile instrument, invented by John Kay.
  • Hiladora Spinning Jenny

    Hiladora Spinning Jenny
    It is a spinner invented by James Hargreaves, this reduced the amount of work required to produce yarn.
  • Máquina de vapor de Watt

    Máquina de vapor de Watt
    It was the first steam engine with an external condensing chamber for practical use, made by James Watt through an atmospheric machine by Thomas Newcomen and Savery.
  • Adam Smith: La riqueza de las naciones

    Adam Smith: La riqueza de las naciones
    The most famous work of Adam Smith was the investigation on the nature and causes of the wealth of the nations.
  • Máquina trilladora

    Máquina  trilladora
    The threshing machine was the first machine to weave cotton, its design was a loom equipped with an automatic shuttle, moved by an energy provided by horses.
  • Telar mecánico de Cartwright

    Telar mecánico de Cartwright
    Cartwright was an engineer and inventor who designed a mechanical loom faster and more efficiently than existing ones.
  • Primeros barcos a vapor

    Primeros barcos a vapor
    Robert Fulton was the first to launch a ship whose propeller was a wheel with paddles, moved by a steam engine.
  • Ludismo

    Ludism was a social movement that was characterized by the introduction of modern machinery in the production process..
  • Segadora Mecánica

    Segadora Mecánica
    The mechanical mower was made by Cyrus Hall, it consisted of a mower pulled by horses in which I could cut 10 per day, in this way making it more effective.
  • Primeros Sindicatos

    Primeros Sindicatos
    The unions was an organization that brings together workers from the work they do to defend their common interests before employers and governments.
  • Locomotora de vapor de Stephenson

    Locomotora de vapor de Stephenson
    Stephenson made a locomotive, this is because when the steam engines were developed, they tried to apply them to the railroad.
  • Great Trade Union

    Great Trade Union
    It is the English social and political life that increased after the First World War, where Luddism and workers' rights took place.
  • Fabricación de acero Convertidor de Bessemer

    Fabricación de acero Convertidor de Bessemer
    Henry Bessemer was an engineer, smelter of types of printing and refined inventor of steel which bears his name, which was applied in ovens.
  • I International

    I International
    It was an organization that initially grouped the English trade unionists, French anarchists and socialists and Italian republicans. Its aims were the political organization of the proletariat, to examine common problems and propose lines of action.