The rise of the Third Estate
King louis XVI´s ministers attempted to introduce financial reforms,but these were strongly opposed.
In June,the representatives of the Third Estate formed a National assambly because the cosidered that they were the only legitimaste representatives of the French people. -
The failures of the Old Regime
In France,the Old Regime was destroyed by the French Revolution,wich had its origins in the failures of the system.Social unrest,the economy,the Enlightenment -
The end of the Old Regime
In July and August 1789,opposition to the Old Regime became more radical.On 14th July 1789,the people of paris attacked the Bastille,Following the capture of the Bastille,the National Constituent Assembly introduced a series of measures that marked the end of the Old Regime. -
Period: to
The outbreak of the French Revolution
Opposition to the constitutional monarchy
A Legislative Assembly was formed in Ocotber 1791,and France now had a constitutional monarchy.However,this assembly lasted for less than a year,and failed to attract much support. -
The birth of the French Republic
This assambly was elected by all adult males.The Convention inmediately abolished the monarchy,and France became a republic. -
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The First French Republic
The Reign of Terror
The Jacobin leader Maximilien Robespierre assumed all powers,and established a dictatorship. -
The Directory
The new regime had very much support,and it faced challenges on all sides.
Radicals conspired againts the goverment
Ther royalists also led revolts and counter-revolutionary activities with the aim of restoring the Bourbon Dynasty
In Europe,France won a series of victories againts its enemies.