La Nouvelle Zélande

  • 1050

    Discoveries of New Zealand

     Discoveries of New Zealand
    New Zealand is one of the last countries to have been discovered
    this one was visited by the Maori in 1050
    A Polynesian people
  • European explorer

     European explorer
    the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman became the first European to see New Zealand
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    He is the first navigator to tour Antarctica and map New Zealand.
  • The treaty

    The treaty
    the united kingdom established british sovereignty through the treaty of waitangi signed that year with maori chiefs
  • The right to vote for women

    The right to vote for women
    New Zealand is the first country to give women the right to vote, and the only one to do in the 19th century. This right is obtained after a petition of an impressive magnitude a quarter of all adult women in the country
  • Independence

    The new zealand sees in the end its independence confirmed by becoming a dominion. (independent state British member)
  • First Labor Government

     First Labor Government
    The new government is quickly beginning to implement several reforms. The Labor Party is also forming an alliance with the Ratana maori movement.
  • The South Pacific Commission

    The South Pacific Commission
    The New Zélande joined Australia , France , the United Kingdom , and United States to from the South Pacific Commission
  • A.N.Z.U.S

    Tripartite Security Treaty concluded by Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America as part of the Mutual Assistance Pact Network
  • RPM

    Since the 1996 elections, a form of proportional representation called proportional mixed has been used. In the RPM system, each person has two votes; one concerns the electoral seats and the other concerns the parties