Jordi Montanyà's life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at clinica del Pilar
  • First time playing videogames

    First time playing videogames
    Vaig jugar per primera vegada en un ordinador Acer al Age Of Mithology creat per Microsoft i Ubisoft és un joc de estratègia en temps real que té com a tema principal les mitologies: Gregues, Egipcíes i Nòrdiques.
  • We adopt a Hamster

    We adopt a Hamster
    We had a hamster
  • We adopt a dog

    We adopt a dog
    We adopt a 29 days old doggo
  • Lost Faith in cristianism

    Lost Faith in cristianism
  • I read The lord of The Rings

    I read The lord of The Rings
  • Period: to

    Worst Year

    In Forth of Primary i had an awful time, my teacher was horrible and in general was a bad year
  • Period: to

    Silmarillion reading

    It cost me 3 years to read the silmarillion
  • I download my first game

    I download my first game
    I go to to download a game
  • We go to Lisbon

    We go to Lisbon