La Historia de España

  • Los Iberos 2000-3000 BC

    Los Iberos 2000-3000 BC
    Hechos de Español:
    - Los Iberos fueron muy artístico y culto.
    - Para su cultura, ellos decoraron y hacer las esculturas.
  • Los Iberos 2000-3000 BC

    Los Iberos 2000-3000 BC
    English Facts:
    - The Picture for the event is a famed sculpture of Iberian culture called,"Dama de Elche¨.
    - They were made up of many different tribes that were located on a stretch from the south peninsula to the east and into the south of France.
    - In fact, the statues or sculptures they adorn, are used for funerary purposes.
    - Although the Iberians are considered a lost group of people, they are now since the 19th century fitted into the history of spain.
  • Los Romanos 219 BC

    Los Romanos 219 BC
    Hechos de Español:
    - La llegada de los Romanos fue no accidente.
    - La batalla por la tierra de la península, duró doscientos años.
  • Los Romanos

    Los Romanos
    English Facts:
    - The Romans landed in Spain as a military force determined to defeat he Carthaginians, who they had already conquered the islands of Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia from.
    - In 197 BC, Rome divided its possessions of land into two provinces. They were Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior.
    - When they came to conquer Portugal they had troubles controlling the main tribes that lived there.
    - Later they eventually claimed the land.
  • Los Romanos 219 BC

    Los Romanos 219 BC
    English Facts Continued:
    - The two categories of conquest are as follows, the first following the defeat of the Carthagininans in 205 BC and ending with the fall of the town of Numancia in 133 BC, and the second category extending from 29 to 18 BC.
    - The need for conquest caused some nasty wars in this time period, especially with the use of guerilla warfare.
  • Los Visogoths 416

    Los Visogoths 416
    Hechos de Español:
    - Los Visogoths fueron una tribu del alemán y gótico personas.
    - Ellos tuvieron no sofisticación, y llamar los bárbaros.
  • Los Visogodos 416

    Los Visogodos 416
    English Facts:
    - From the beginning of the 6th century to the early years of the 8th, the Visigoths dominated the peninsula.
    -In 418, the Visigoths made their capital in Toulouse.
    - The Visigoths barely left any trace of themsleves, they had no culture.
    - The Gothic invasion of France, Italy and Spain was facilitated by the enfeebled state of the Roman Empire.
  • Los Moros 711 AD

    Los Moros  711 AD
    Hechos de Español:
    - En España de Morisco, educación fue universal.
    - Los Moros presentaron papel a Europa y árabe los números.
  • Los Moros 711 AD

    Los Moros 711 AD
    English Facts:
    - The Moors originated in 711 AD when an African army, under their leader Tariq ibn-Ziyad, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and invaded the Iberian peninsula named ‘Andalus".
    - Córdova, the heart of Moorish territory in Spain, was the most modern city in Europe during this time period.
    - Cordova had 900 public baths, it is said the poor Moors would go without bread before soap.
    - In the tenth and eleventh centuries, the Moors had over 70 public libraries.
  • La Reconquista 718-1492

    La Reconquista  718-1492
    Hechos de Español:
    - El comienzo de Reconquista sucedió cuando los christianos de asturiano y los moros pelear en la batalla de Covadonga.
    - La reconquista fue un series de las campañas recuperar la tierra de España.
  • La Reconquista 718-1492

    La Reconquista 718-1492
    English Facts:
    - The Reconquista was a period of about 700 years in the Middle Ages.
    - During the Second Crusade, Crusaders passing through Portugal helped the Portuguese army to retake Lisbon from the Moors.
    - After the Reconquista, Muslims and Jews who lived in Spain were practically forced to be converted to Christianity.
    - The national hero of Spain, El Cid, fought against the Moors in the Reconquista and took control of the city of Valencia in 1094.
  • El Imperio Español 1500-1600's

    El Imperio Español 1500-1600's
    Hechos de Español:
    - Hasburg España fue una superpotencia en este tiempo período.
    - En 1500, la ciudad de Nueva Cádiz fue establecer en la isla de Cubagua, Venezuela.
  • El Imperio Español 1500-1600's

     El Imperio Español 1500-1600's
    English Facts:
    - In 1532 a group of Spanish soldiers under Francisco Pizarro and their indigenous allies captured and attacked the Emperor of the Inca Empire.
    - Shortly after the battle, the power of the conquistadors spread across Perú, and later lead to the establishment of the Viceroyalty of Perú in 1542.
    - Hernan Cortes led the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.
    - In 1502, on the coast of Colombia, Spanish explorers led by Vasco Núez de Balboa conquered land near the Atrato River.
  • La Inquisición 1478-1834

    La Inquisición 1478-1834
    Hechos de Español:
    - La Inquisición fue usar por político y religioso razones.
    - En la Inquisición de español, la censura fue común. Este es porque España no le gustaban ideas nuevas en el publico.
  • La Inquisición 1478-1834

    La Inquisición 1478-1834
    English Facts:
    - In 1483 Tomas de Torquemada became the inquisitor-general for most of Spain.
    - Around the 1540s the Spanish Inquisition turned its fire on the Protestants in Spain in an attempt to further unify the nation.
    - The whole concept of the this process was issued by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
    - During most of the era, freedom of religious practice did not exist. This gave the inquisition the power over all subjects.
  • La Armada 1588

    La Armada 1588
    English Facts:
    - When Santa Cruz had died in 1586, an admiral was chosen by Philip to lead the Armada in Cruz’s stead. His name was the Duke of Medina Sidonia.
    - The Armada first sailed in April 1588.
    - The plan for the armada was to get to the Spanish Netherlands, invade the south coast of England, and pick up Spanish soldiers who were placed there.
    - One of the issues on the ships was that the barrels containing food had gotten damp and the food spoiled.
  • La Armada 1588

    La Armada 1588
    Hechos de Español:
    - La misión de la armada, fue a derrocar Inglaterra de protestante.
    - Las personas querían derrocar la Reina Isabel.
  • La Guerra Civil 1936-1939

    La Guerra Civil 1936-1939
    Hechos de Español:
    - La Guerra Civil fue una rebelión militar contra el gobierno de republicano.
    - En Junio 1938, los nacionalistas dividieron la terrirtorio republicanos en dos.
  • La Guerra Civil 1936-1939

    La Guerra Civil 1936-1939
    English Facts:
    - The Nationalists were the rebels in the civil war and they recieved aid from Italy and Germany. The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union, and International Brigades.
    -The Nationalists were mostly Roman Catholics, important military people, most landowners, and many businessmen.
    -The Republicans were urban workers, most agricultural labourers, andas well as the people of the middle class.
  • La Guerra Civil 1936-1939

    La Guerra Civil 1936-1939
    English Facts:
    - This civil war was one of the most intense and spontaneous outbursts of a worker revolution in modern Europe.
  • España Moderna - Present

    España Moderna - Present
    English Facts:
    - Spain today is known for its natural resources such as coal, lignite, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, etc.
    - Spain currently is having some issues with pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.
    - The population of spain is over 47 million.
    - The urban population is greater than the country population.
  • España Moderna - Present

    España Moderna - Present
    Hechos de Español:
    - La religión de España es principalmente católico romano.
    - El largo convencional nombre de España es el reino de España.