What year was Bedford Forrest born?
He was born on July 13, 1821. -
What important battles was Nathan Bedford Forrest in
Nathan Bedford Forrest was in Battle of Shiloh and Battle of Ft Pillow -
Battle of Fort Pillow
The location of the battle was Lauderdale County Tennessee. The leaders of the battle were Nathan Bedford Forrest, Lionel F. Booth, Bradford James R. Chalmers, and William F. Each side wanted to control the Mississippi River. The Confederate Army won. The number of casualties was 1500-2500 people. -
What jobs did Nathan Bedford Forrest have outside of the army
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a businessman -
When did Nathan bedford Forrest die
he died in 29,1877 -
What education did Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nathan Bedford had no education -
What part of the civil war army was Nathan bedford Forrest in
Nathan Bedford Forrest was in the cofederate army -
What family members did Nathan Bedford Forrest have
the family that Nathan Bedford Forrest have was Miriam Beck Forrest and William Forrest