Kyle A civil rights time line

  • jackie robinson hired to the Brooklyn dodgers.

    jackie robinson hired to the Brooklyn dodgers.
  • Executive order 9981

    Executive order 9981
  • Congress f racial equality (core) founded.

    Congress f racial equality (core) founded.
  • Browns v board of education ruling.

    Browns v board of education ruling.
    Thru good marshall: The NAACP's lead attorney They were trying to desegregate schools.
  • Birmingham campaign latter from a Birmingham jail.

    Birmingham campaign latter from a Birmingham jail.
  • freedom rides

    freedom rides
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
  • integration of central high school

    integration of central high school
  • Montgomery bus boycott (start)

    Montgomery bus boycott (start)
  • black panther party founded

    black panther party founded
    Black Power: group of activists that were not focused on nonviolent protesting.
    SNNC: student nonviolent coordinating committee.
    - blacks and the nation of islam were influenced by the leaders
    - were okay with violence
    - wanted to make a change.
  • civil rights act of 1968

    civil rights act of 1968
    Discrimination: Treatment of different categories of people. They wouldn't sale house to black people because of the civil rights act they have to sell houses. That the government would put a lawsuit on whoever didn't follow the law.
  • watts riot

    watts riot
  • swann v charlotte mecklenberg board of education.

    swann v charlotte mecklenberg board of education.
    Desegregation: ending the separation of people by race.
    - school and black students who are bing bussed to the school.
    • bussing is a way for schools to desegregate.