1991 Sangamon Area Special Ed Dist. AC Central Jr/Sr High
My first year of teaching...before the digital age! Tech used: paper, books, chalkboard, whiteboard, traditional room arrangements. When writing IEPs we used triplicate forms and wrote them by hand or typed them with a typewriter. -
1994-1997 S.A.S.E.D Williamsville Jr./Sr. High
Still prior to the digital age! Along with the traditional materials I was also using audiovisuals (vcr, tv). Computers were just beginning to be used. Computer labs were being set up. -
1997 McLean Co. Unit Dist. 5 Colene Hoose Elementary ED/BD
Entering the digital age! Still used the traditional tech but was using new room arrangements that allowed more peer interaction. Had classroom computer that was used primarily for classroom management (grading system, attendance, data tracking). Started using Filemaker for IEP writing and storage. -
2003- Unit 5 Chiddix Jr. High ED/BD
We were beginning to utilize tech to track data more thoroughly. We made charts and graphs to display the data to parents. Instructional choices were still limited to using computers for review games and rote practice. I used overheads projectors in the delivery of instruction. Students took computer keyboarding courses and practiced typing on our classroom computers. Started using Powerpoint presentations. -
2010 Unit 5 Normal Community High School Learning Resource Dept.
Made it back to high school! All classrooms were starting to be equipped with Smartboards. Laptop carts and computer labs were still the norms at this time. Along with Powerpoint presentations, other modes were being used like Prezi. -
2015- present NCHS (Still!!)
We have fully gone to 1:1 laptops for each student. I am beginning to experiment with more apps like Kahoot, Flipgrid, Edpuzzle, Google Slides. I do more project-based assessments in my classroom and students are allowed to be creative in how they present. They may choose to use traditional posters or can use a computer presentation. -