Dana carvey turtle


  • hasty

    Definition: hurried and rushed
    Sentence: He left in a hasty way to get home and feed the cat.
  • recollection

    Definition: a memory, something recalled
    Sentence: I had a recollection of when I broke my nose playing basketball.
    Synonym: Remembered
  • profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Sentence: I have a profound knowledge of cheese flavors.
    Synonym: Knowledge
  • prestige

    Definition:status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Sentence: Queen Elizabeth is a prestigious person towards England.
    Synonym: Rolemodel
  • sheepish

    Definition:shy; bashful
    Sentence: The boy was very sheepish when adults talked to him.
  • Serenely

    Definition:peacefully and calmly
    Sentence: The landscape of the classroom was serenely quiet.
    Synonym: Relaxed
  • avert

    Definition: turn away
    Sentence: He had to avert to the man giving her candy.
  • indolence

    Definition: laziness
    Sentence: He thought he was going to fail because of his indolence.
    Synonym: lazy
  • unnerving

    Definition: unsettling and upsetting
    Sentence: The thought of surgery gave John an unnerving feeling.
    Synonym: unhappy
  • requisitioned

    Definition: to demand or take
    Sentence: The man requisitioned to the people in the store they have to pay in cash.
    Synonym: demand
  • conspicious

    Definition: noticeable, easy to see
    Sentence:The paper I hid under the computer was conspicuous to my parents.
    Synonym: noticeable
  • self-consciously

    Definition:uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Sentence: I self-consciously hid the fact I had mosquito bites on my legs by wearing long pants.
  • tentativly

    Definition:uncertainly and hesitantly
    Sentence: I tentativly crossed the street hoping I didn't get hit by a crazy driver.
  • torrent

    Definition:swift-flowing stream of something
    Sentence: The wave had a good torrent of water drifting towards the shore.
  • obsolete

    Definition:no longer useful
    Sentence: The old printer was replaced making it obsolete.
    Synonym: useless
  • unwieldy

    Definition: difficult to carry or handle
    Sentence: The table we had was hard and unwieldy.
    Synonym: Heavy
  • wincing

    Definition: shrinking back involuntarily
    Sentence: The bright light made my brother start wincing.
  • fretful

    Definition: uneasy or distressed
    Sentence: The man was fretful towards the sight of his own surgery on film.
  • admonition

    Sentence: The chandelier falling was an admonition to leave the house.
    Synonym: alarming
  • relinquished

    Definition: gave up or let go
    Sentence:He had to relinquish his necklace to come to America.
    Synonym: release