Flag of the new ussr


  • Khrushchev is born

    Khrushchev is born
    Born in Kalinova Ukraine
  • Period: to


    Krushchev grew up the son of a coal miner and often helped his dad take care of a family farm. he had a very short formal education before he entered into politics
  • Stalin dies.

    Stalin dies.
    Stalin died leaving a group of people in charge of the USSR, the head of that group was Krushchev. later he became prime minister and the leader of the communist party
  • Krushchev becomes prime minister and starts destalinization

    Krushcev is made prime minister, and starts his plan of destalinization. before the death of stalin krushchev and stalin got along, but after his death krushchev tried to get rid of all of stalins ideas. This plan worked and temporarily had many good effects including:
    Easier, more peaceful relationship with the WestCutback on the Secret Police's powerRelease of thousands of political prisonersEncouragement of the arts, especially literatureImprovement of the economy and most people’s st
  • The USSR Shoots down a U-2 Spy Plane

    The USSR Shoots down a U-2 Spy Plane
    To some people the cold war was seeming to come to an endd. but this even caused more and more disagreements between the USSR and the united states. bringing them closer and closer to war
  • The cuban missile crisis

    The cuban missile crisis
    This was a major confrontation between the USSR and Cuba versus the united states and was as close as we were to nuclear warefare during the cold war, this greatly decresed Krushchevs popularity and helped lead to him losing power
  • Krushchev is removed from power

    He is removed and replaced with Leonid Brezhnev
  • Death

    Krushchev dies