Krista Hobbs' Timeline

  • Period: to

    20th century

  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, flew a powered airplane for the very first time.
  • Earthquake Hits San Francisco

    Earthquake Hits San Francisco
    Remembered as one of the worst natural disaster to ever occur, an earthquake hits San Francisco resulting in a fire that killed above 3,000 people.
  • Plastic Invented

    Plastic Invented
    Leo Hendrik Baekeland invented plastic. It revolutionized products and packaging.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    The Titanic, also called "The Unsinkable", hit an iceburg hidden under the water and sinks.
  • Model T Cars Produced.

    Model T Cars Produced.
    The first major car assembly is organized by Henry Ford. The was the first affordable car available to middle class citizens.
  • United States Enters WW1

    United States Enters WW1
    After the sinking of the Lucitania, the United States enters into the war.
  • Babe Ruth Hits 60 Home Runs

    Babe Ruth Hits 60 Home Runs
    Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs in a single season setting a record that lasted for 34 years.
  • First Antibiotic is Discovered

    First Antibiotic is Discovered
    Alexander Fleming discover penicillon: the first antibiotic. This forever changed the way bacterial infections were treated.
  • U.S. Stock Market Crashes

    U.S. Stock Market Crashes
    After the stock market crashes the Great Depression begins. Millions of people lost their jobs and money was hard to make.
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany and immediately uses his power. When the Enabling Act was passed, the Chancellor gained full control.
  • Kristallnacht

    Adolf Hitler orders Nazis to commit acts of violence against German Jews. Kristallnacht means "night of broken glass".
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    After cutting off Japan of oil, the United States of America is bombed by Japan and enters into WW2.
  • United States bombs Japan.

    United States bombs Japan.
    United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima, Nagasaki: Japan surrenders to end World War II.
  • First Colored Baseball Player

    First Colored Baseball Player
    Jackie Robinson joins the American baseball League as the first colored player.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Doctor Jonas Stak's creates a polio vaccine. It was proven affective at the University of Pittsburgh through testing.
  • Space Race Begins

    Space Race Begins
    Soviet Russian launches Sputnick which is the first satellite to in space. The space race against democratic America began.
  • "Great Leap Forward"

    "Great Leap Forward"
    China tries to modernize their country with the "Great Leap Forward", yet an estimated twenty million people die due to famine.
  • Berlin Wall is Built

    Berlin Wall is Built
    The Berlin Wall is built dividing the communist East Berlin and the deomcratice West Berlin.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    During the Cold War, Soviet Russian sent nuclear missiles to Cuba. Threatened the United States said they would go to nuclear war if the Russian ships didn't turn around.
  • "I Have a Dream"

    "I Have a Dream"
    Martin Luther King gives the famous "I Have a Dream" speech in Washington D.C.
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK Assassinated
    The 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated while driving with his wife. He was the fourth president to be assassinated
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Congress passes the Civil Rights Act outlawing segregation. The act was passed with 73 votes against 27 votes,
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    The Voting Rights Act is put in by Congress. It outlawed measures to supress the minorities votes.
  • Martin Luther King Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Assassinated
    James Earl Ray, an escaped convict, shot civil rights activist Martin Luther King at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN.
  • First American on the Moon

    First American on the Moon
    Niel Armstrong is the first human to land on the moon. When it comes to the space race, American wins over Russia.
  • Abortion is Legalized

    Abortion is Legalized
    The Roe versus Wade case makes having an abortion legal in the United States.
  • President Richard M. Nixon Resigns

    President Richard M. Nixon Resigns
    Thw WAtergate scandal in which a break in at the Democratic National committee headquarters in Watergate lead to President Nixon to resignation.
  • Microsoft Corp. Begins

    Microsoft Corp. Begins
    Bill Gates and Paul Allen start the Microsoft Corporation to develop software for Altair computers.
  • Space Shuttle Explodes

    Space Shuttle Explodes
    The space shuttle Challenger explodes during take off killing the whole crew. The shuttle exploded only 73 seconds after the launch.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Explosion

    Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Explosion
    The Chernobyl nuclear plant explodes taking with it an estimated seven thousand lives.