
Korean War Timeline.

  • Korean War Takes Off

    Korean War Takes Off
    "Political Division of Korea"
    North Korea's soldiers attack South Korea. Causing the outbreak of the Korean War.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • Here Comes The Tanks

    Here Comes The Tanks
    The North Koreans attack tanks reach the boarder of Seoul (The capital of south Korea)
  • General MacArthur.

    General MacArthur.
    After hearing about the war.General MacArthur went to South Korea to assume command.
  • Truman Approves

    Truman Approves
    President Truman Approved the NSC-81/1
    MacArthur gave the OK for US Forces to cross the 38th Parallel.
  • A-Bomb

    After Korea didnt stand down. President Truman threatens to use an A-Bomb against CCF.
  • The UN

    The UN
    The UN Forces recrossed the 38th parallel back into South Korea. President Truman declared State of Emegency.
  • MiG-15

    Mig-15 begin attacking the UN airplanes over North Korea. North Korea attacked.
  • Is It The End?

    Is It The End?
    UN resolution to end the Korean War. The plan failed. And the Korean War.
  • Seoul

    The UN goes to take over Seoul. Succesful at taking over Seoul, the Korean war continues.
  • Relieve

    General MacArthur is still in command. Truman goes to relieve MacArthur from his station. General Ridgway takes FECOM.
  • Good Bye

    Good Bye
    Truman fires MacArthur. Not the best choice he has ever made.
  • Cease Fire.

    Cease Fire.
    Cease fire signed. 2200 hours: Shooting Stops. We won.