Demilitarized zone

Korean War

By rdse
  • Beginning of the Korean War. (Q. 1 - 2)

    Beginning of the Korean War. (Q. 1 - 2)
    Following the division of Germany after WW2, the Korean Peninsula was also divided. The Soviets occupied North Korea, with China supporting them, while the United States and 16 allied countries supported South Korea. The Korean War broke out because North Korea attempted to invade South Korea to reunite the country under its leadership. And naturally, the UN retaliated to defend South Korea.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    The Chinese got involved with the war under the impression that the UN might invade them following their win. After three years of fighting and around four million civilian and military deaths, the war ended in a stalemate, which still holds to this very day.
  • End of Korean War. (Q. 3)

    End of Korean War. (Q. 3)
    On this day, North Korea, China, and the United States signed an armistice agreement. South Korea, however, objected to the continued division of Korea and refused to sign an armistice or a formal peace treaty. The war ended with the continued division of Korea, with a demilitarized zone on the border of each side.
  • Effects of the Korean War. (Q. 3)

    Effects of the Korean War. (Q. 3)
    The effects of the Korean War still continue to shape our world today. Not only has the conflict ended in a long-running stalemate between North Korea and South Korea, with a demilitarized zone at their border, but it has also led the US to change its foreign and national security policies. It compelled the US to accept a permanent military involvement in different countries around the world, even in times of peace.