Korean War Breaks Out
North Korea invaded South Korea -
Truman Goes to UN
President Truman asks U.N for permission to intervene in the Korean War. Russia Boycotted meeting allowing the motion to go through -
U.S Supports to South Korea
U.S sends Naval and Air support to South Korea. MacArthur was appointed around this time. -
MacArthur Lands Troops on Inchon
MacArthur lands troops on Inchon, which allows them to attack North Korea from both sides. -
"Home By Chirstmas"
Truman and MacArthur meet on Wake Island to discuss war. Plans were made to get American Troops home by Christmas -
China Enters War
Communist China enters war in support of North Korea. They're goals were to aid North Korea which would spread Communism. -
President Truman fires MacArthur
President Truman makes the decison to fire MacArthur and replaces him with General Matthew Ridgeway. Truman addressed the nation and explained why he fired him. He began by defending his overall policy in Korea, saying, “It is right for us to be in Korea.” -
Korean War Ends
The conflicts in Korea ends. The North Korea forces were pushed out of South Korea along with their communist beliefs. America successfully contains the spread of communism.