North Korea invades South Korea
In North Korea, there was a government which was communist, In South Korea, there was a government which was democratic. Each wanted to unify Korea under its own form of government.North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25th, 1950 in order to unify Korea by force. -
CIA sponsors overthrow of Iranian prime minister Mossadegh
The US CIA joined with Britain in persuading the Shah of Iran to fire Iran's prime minister Mossadegh who was opposing Western oil companies. -
Geneva Accords on Indochina War
After a long international conference, North Vietnam, China, the Soviet Union, France, and Britain sign an agreement providing for the end of the Indochina War. Under this agreement, France agreed to withdraw all military forces from the region, and North Vietnam and South Vietnam were given their independence. This was a provisional agreement, not a final settlement. The USA declined to sign the agreement, but it did "take note" of the armistice. -
Founding of Warsaw Pact
The Soviet Union forms the Warsaw Pact as a military opposition to the NATO pact formed by the US and the Western European democracies. -
Suez Crisis
France, Britain, and Israel invade Egypt to regain control of the Suez Canal. US pressure forces France, Britain, and Israel to withdraw. -
Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro's guerrilla forces take control of Cuba, creating the regime which still rules Cuba today. -
Kitchen Debate between US VicePresident Nixon and Soviet leader Khruschev
VP Nixon and Soviet leader Khruschev engaged in heated debate about capitalism vs. Communism at a model US kitchen in a Moscow exhibition. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
US-trained and backed rebels invade Cubs, hoping to overthrow Fidel Castro. the effort fails, with Castro ending in a more powerful position. -
President Kennedy announces program for moon landing
President Kennedy announces NASA program to land a man on the moon within 10 years. -
Building of Berlin Wall
The Soviets and East Germans build a wall around West Berlin, in order to prevent East Germans from seeking freedom.