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Kony 2012

  • LRA's first attacks

    LRA's first attacks
    Kony ordered his fighters to attack villages and abduct children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) during the Peace Talks.
  • Continuous attacks

    Continuous attacks
    The LRA continues with its attacks. The LRA fighters were reportedly instructed to target churches, where people would be gathered with their families for Christmas Eve services. They killed over 865 people
  • Kony showing his "Power"

    Kony showing his "Power"
    A year later the LRA continued their Christmas massacres in the Makombo region of northeastern Congo as a reminder of their powers of destruction.This time they killed 321 people and abducted 250.
  • The abducted children

    The abducted children
    It was fond that approximately 60,000 children were abducted and used to fight in wars
  • Youtube Video

    Youtube Video
    Invisible Children posts Kony 2012 on YouTube, and it quickly goes viral after several celebrities, including Rihanna, Justin Bieber, and the Kardashians spread the word.
  • Gaining relevance

    Gaining relevance
    Kony 2012 bypasses by the 35-million-viewer mark, The Invisible Children is continuously hit with criticism that the video manipulates the facts and increases the popularity of the LRA, Kony is undeniably evil and the video raised vital awareness of that fact.
  • The US government and others responds

    The US government and others responds
    The Obama administration joins Oprah Winfrey and others to discuss this topic, throwing its support behind the video as well. "We congratulate the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have mobilized to this unique crisis of conscience," says Press Secretary Jay Carney.
  • Uganda takes notice

    Ugandans throw rocks at a screening of Kony 2012 in the town of Lira, complaining that the film is a "foreign, inaccurate account that belittled and commercialized their suffering," says Malcolm Webb at Al Jazeera.
  • The African Union responds

    The African Union responds
    In an article, The Guardian reported that “The African Union has announced that it will form a 5,000-strong brigade to hunt down Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).”
  • Invisible children second response

    Invisible children second response
    Invisible Children releases second KONY video addressing rising criticisms.
  • LRA Responds

    LRA Responds
    The LRA responds to the KONY video, according to "The Leader, LRA Peace Team" accuses the campaign of being a disguise for a US effort to expand its power.
  • Invisible Children Launches Cover the Night Campaign

    Invisible Children Launches Cover the Night Campaign
    Invisible Children launches Cover The Night campaign, with over 3.5 million pledges from individuals to support efforts to stop the LRA.