kobi martin exploration timeline

  • Nov 7, 1347

    First Guns Appear in Europe

    First Guns Appear in Europe
    Gunpowder was invented in China in the Ninth Century. Gunpowder, as well as the devices it was used in at the time, mainly cannon, made its way to europe through trade. These were mostlikely taken along the silk route.Technologies using gunpowder developed more in the west than in the east where it was invented.
  • Nov 8, 1418

    School of Navigation

    School of Navigation
    A school dedicated strictly to navigation was opened in portugal. It was founded by henry the navigator. He recruited some of the explorers he sponsored to teach at this school.
  • Nov 8, 1420

    First caravel built

    First caravel built
    The Caravel was created to be able to sail in the shallow waters near the shore. It used a triangular lanteen sail. nearly all the spanish and portuguese explorers used caravels for their speed and ability to sail in shallow waters.
  • Nov 8, 1440

    Guttenberg Bible printed

    Guttenberg Bible printed
    This new moveable type made it easier to sprerad knowledge of new discoveries, technologies and other news. It also gave the explorers another reason to try and convert the heathens because they were now able to provide them with literature. this event marked the beginning of a huge growth in knowledge and literacy.
  • Nov 8, 1453

    Beginning of the Renaissance

    Beginning of the Renaissance
    this event openned a time of great curiosity and greed which fueled the exploration age. this also marked when genoese began to financially support portugals efforts to find an eastern route to Asia. it also started the secularization of Europe.
  • Nov 8, 1465

    navigation by the stars beggins to greatly improve

    navigation by the stars beggins to greatly improve
    the Stars had been used for ages to navigate the seas. improved instraments like the sextant began to replace older ones such as the astrolabe. general knowledge of heavenly bodies increased and star maps were created.
  • Nov 8, 1496

    John Cabot sails into Northern Atlantic

    John Cabot sails into Northern Atlantic
    Cabot sailed to explore the regions that were known by the vikings and Norsemen. these regions were still mainly unexplored to the knowledge of most of europe. He sailed to Iceland,
  • Nov 8, 1497

    Vasco da Gama reaches India

    Vasco da Gama reaches India
    Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese sailor and the first European to reach India around the Cape of Good Hope. The first european to round the Cape of Good Hope was Bartholomeu Dias just ten years earlier. This route had been long sought out by Europeans and this quickly became the primary route of sea trade between Europe and India/Asia.
  • Nov 8, 1498

    Columbus Discovers the American Continent

    Columbus Discovers the American Continent
    Christopher Columbus was the first European to reach the "new world". At the time he discovered it he believed he was in Asia. He arrived in the Caribbean region and visitedd several of the islands in the area.
  • Nov 8, 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci realizes the presence of a new continent

    Amerigo Vespucci realizes the presence of a new continent
    Vespucci Goes to Explore along the route that columbus found to get to "Asia" and sails along the south american coast. Vespucci eventually realizes that this is not Asia but a new continent or new world. These continents are eventually named after him.
  • Nov 8, 1507

    A Map of the New world Uses the name "America"

    A Map of the New world Uses the name "America"
    A Map of the New World use the name America as a title for the region in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci is the Man Responsible for recognizing that what columbus had found was a different continent. This news of an entire new continent set off an explosion of interest in exploring this new region and taking posetion of it.
  • Nov 9, 1513

    Balboa crosses the isthmus of panama and discovers the pacific

    Balboa crosses the isthmus of panama and discovers the pacific
    Balboa was led across the isthmus by a native american guide. He was the first European to see the pacific ocean. He brought back the knowledge that there was an entire other ocean between Europe and Asia.
  • Nov 9, 1514

    Small pox begins to spread in the Americas

    Small pox begins to spread in the Americas
    Small pox was brought to the Americas by some of the first European explorers. Diseases killed about 80% of all native americans. This massive decrease in native population paved the way for the European invasion.
  • Nov 9, 1522

    The Remainder of Magellans companions return

    The Remainder of Magellans companions return
    Ferdinand Magellan set out from spain with five ships on a mission to find a southwestern route to Asia. Only one ship with 18 men make it back to spain.Magellans voyage was the first to successfully circumnavigate the globe.
  • Nov 9, 1533

    Atahualpa killed by spainish conquistadores

    Atahualpa killed by spainish conquistadores
    Spainish conquistadores captured the incan emperor Atahualpa in a skirmish that left 7,000 incans dead. The beginning of the end of the incan empire came with the small pox and a massive civil war. the death of Atahualpa marked the final stages of the collapse of the incan empire.
  • kobi is awesome (All Day er Day)

    I chose all of these events for their relation to the subject of exploration. Each of these events were important milestones or events in the history or development of exploration. Most of them were the development of a new technology or the dicovery of new part of the world.