Knowing about the past, prepares you for the future by Arturo Moreno Medina Group 459

  • 10,000 BCE

    The Neolithic Revolution

    The Neolithic Revolution
    Humans had never stopped searching for food and started planting and raising their own food.
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 12,000 BCE


    Agriculture triggered a major transformation in the way humans lived.
    There were about five million people in the world.
  • 5000 BCE


    Chinese civilisation advanced in this millennium.
  • 2000 BCE

    Great Stone Palaces At Knossos

    Great Stone Palaces At Knossos
    The stone palaces at Knossus and Malia were built on Crete.
  • 476

    End of the Western Roman Empire

    End of the Western Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire lasted almost 500 years led by a successful revolt Romulus Augustulus, then Emperor.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance 1300's

    The Renaissance 1300's
    It was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic events.
  • First Vaccine Invented

    First Vaccine Invented
    Smallpox, killed at least 300 million people.
  • Period: to

    First smallpox vaccine

    Jenner developed the first smallpox vaccine.
  • The Invention of the Internet 60's

    The Invention of the Internet 60's
    The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications all around the world.
  • Period: to


    Tim Berners-Lee invented the world-wide web (www).
  • The global challenge of the XXI century

    The global challenge of the XXI century
    Humans fight against a new coronavirus infection.
  • Period: to

    COVID 19

    A new coronavirus pandemic affects the world, this is what we call COVID 19. I t not only affects healthy people, but also economy, professional development, humanity relationships and nature.
  • Period: to

    COVID 19 nowadays

    Since COVID 19 appeared, it has been affected our lives.
    Humanity has lost contact with their daily activities, they have lost family and friends. I think this is a very important event that is considered part of our new life. We have to learn to live with it every single day.