
Knights - Keala

  • Jan 1, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    Battle of Hastings was the first Military event using Knights on a horseback
  • Period: Jan 1, 1066 to Dec 31, 1400


    Events, descriptions and picture of/about Knights
  • Jan 1, 1125

    Knights Armor Early 1100's

    Knights Armor Early 1100's
    Knights wore a...
    - cone shaped helmet with a protective nose strip
    - a long chain mail suit with sleeves
    - large kite shaped shield
    - padded woollen tunic
  • Jan 1, 1180

    Knights Armour Late 1100's

    Knights Armour Late 1100's
    The Helmet is rounder with a wider nose band. The coat is loose fitting to fit over the mail chain Armour. The coats arms identifiy the knight. The shield is bigger and more triangular and the chain mail leggings now cover your feet. Hauberk now covers the neck and is attached to the helmet with leather strips, it also includes chain mail mittens.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Knights Armour 1300's

    Knights Armour 1300's
    The helmets are now Bascinet helmets, they cover the whole face although the visor can lift up. Pieces of hammered iron are worn for extra protection. The Armour weighs so much that if the knight falls over he is unable to get up on his own! The shield is now smaller and more curved and there is iron cloves to protect the Knights hand. The Hauberk is even shorter and padded stockings with iron braces are worn.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Knights Armour in the 1400's

    Knights Armour in the 1400's
    The suit is a lot more flexible although it ways about 25kilograms. Lighter helmets are worn and plate Armour covers the whole body. The Knights wore iron shoes and there was no need for a shield any more.