Hitler Becomes Chancellor
January 30, 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor -
Military takes control
January 14, 1936 Military takes control of Japanese -
Hitler sends troops
Nov 14, 1936 Hitler sends troops into Rhineland -
Nazis round up jews
Nazis begin rounding up Jews -
Nazi Soviet signed
April 8, 1939 Nazi Soviet signed by Hitler -
Invade Poland
Nazis invade Poland -
World War 2 begins
War begins -
Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
December 7th 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor -
Feb 1942 Excuitive Order 9066
President Roosevelt issues Execuitive Order 9066 giving the US military the authority to round up any Japanese American or people of Japanese ancestry and take them to internment camps -
War Ends
The War ends -
Post war
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine paved the way for Israel to declare its independence in 1948 and marked the start of the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict.