Birth of the KKK
A group of boys would ride their horses throughout town while wearing white robes for fun one day. Word got back to them that some black folks were scared and they saw this as an advantage and started meeting in 87'. -
Nathan Bedford Forrest
The creator of the KKK. -
KKK Ranks
Grand Wizard - national head of the Invisible Empire
Grand Dragon - ruler over a state known as a "Realm."
Grand Titan - ruler of a "Dominion" within a state or Congressional District.
Grand Giant - head of a province or a county.
Grand Cyclops - president or presiding officer of a meeting or "Den."(Den: Basic level of organisation for the Klan) -
Three Clans
The Beginning-The Craetors The Reemergence-Their most dangerous time The Revival-Modern day Klansmen(TURNING POINT) -
During this period the Klan was low, but a few tried to rebirth it and reassemble the national level of the klan. -
North Carolina
Two you8ng biys raise their arms as a KKK t-shirt is held in fron of them. -
Changing of Religion-Change
During this period, the Klansmen felt threatened by the radicals and the jews and they converted to CHristianity. -
Rasicm twords Who?
During the 80's, the blacks were targeted because they were living off welfare and " living off the money of hard wroking real americans". -
A gruop of marches proclaiming MLK's assasination's anniersary and were attacked by Klan members. -
KKK Meeting-Continuity
A burning cross in the center of the circle where they meet. This is a continuity because this is how they have held their meetings since their beginning. -
Drafting-Turning Point
This is a turning point because thye devoloped a strtegy like the army used in vietnam which shows that they were serious about adding klan members. -
Reward System-Cause and Effect
This shows us an example of the idea of vigalantes. A reward is set for anyone in the KKK because people are willing to take the law into there own hands if money is involved. -
Meeting Invitation-Change
The KKK has taken the ninitiative to invite all that are willing toi particioate in the events. This is another way they chose toi advertise the KKK. -
KKK Photo
A picture of KLansmen at a meeting. -
The KKK have a rising population of 5,000-8,000 and counting. With 179 chapters.