Sofia Akrami's Death
The year Hassan was born was 1964, which was "just one year after [Amir's] mother died giving birth to [Amir]" (Hosseini 6). Hassan was born one year after Sofia Akrami died giving birth to Amir. -
Hassan's Birth
Hassan and Ali were Hazaras so they were forced to live "in that little shack, that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hossieni 6). In 1964 Hassan was born. Hazaras had to be servants that lived in mud shacks, which was where Hassan was born. -
Heroic Baba
Baba proved everyone wrong by " [building] an orphanage" (Hosseini 13). Everyone thought Baba could not build an orphanage. Baba proved everyone wrong. -
Baba's Break
Baba needed a break "from the construction of the orphanage and flew to Tehran for a month to watch the World Cup games" (Hosseini 20). Baba had been hard at work to build an orphanage and prove everyone wrong. He needed a break and decided to go to Tehran. -
Hassan's Lip
Baba had just done "Hassan's harelip surgery. Baba, Rahim Khan, Ali, and [Amir] had huddled around Hassan's bed, . . . Now everyone in that room was either dead or dying. Except for me" (Hosseini 219). Amir missed everyone because they were going to leave him. Amir thinks about a day that made Hassan happy. -
The Past
Amir was witnessing Hassan getting raped and Amir said "I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast in the winter of 1975" (Hosseini 1). Hassan was getting raped by Assef and Amir did not do anything. Amir was scared of Assef so he did not help Hassan and Assef was a sociopath. -
Hassan's Rape
Assef was a bully and was planning to "[unzipped] [Assef's] jeans. Dropped [Assef's] underwear. [Assef] positioned himself behind Hassan" (Hosseini 75). Assef wanted the kite that won the tournament but Hassan did not want to give it to him because he knew how important the kite would be for Amir to show Baba. Assef ended up raping Hassan and Amir just stood there not doing anything and ended up running away. -
One Year Closer to Dying
During the summer of 1976 "[Amir] turned thirteen" (Hosseini 93). Baba had invited the whole world to the party. -
Little Experience of Peace
The Afghanistan had little peace because of "when the Soviet Union invaded" (The New York Times). -
Babrak Karmal was assisted by "Soviet troops [that] parachuted into Kabul" (The New York Times). -
When Amir was twenty "[Amir] graduated from high school" (Hosseini 131). After Amir graduated from high school, Baba bought him a car as a congratulations. -
Ace Ace Baby!
Amir was smart that when "the spring quarter ended in late May 1985. [Amir] aced all of [his] general education classes" (Hosseini 144). Even though Amir was smart and got all A's he was sitting through lecture thinking about Soraya's nose. Even not focusing on the class he still got good grades. -
On a Mission to Find Hassan
Rahim Khan went "to Hazarajat to find Hassan" (Hosseini 203). Rahim Khan went to find Hassan to ask to help him house sit. Rahim Khan was getting lonely -
Book by Amir
Amir had always loved writing that "[in] the summer of 1988, . . . [Amir] finished [his] first novel" (Hosseini 182). One thing Amir had always wanted to do was write a novel. When he was younger Baba never got to read his novel but now Amir finally got Baba's attention with his novel. -
The Return of Sanaubar
Farzana, Hassan's wife, had given birth and "[i]t was Sanaubar who delivered Hassan's son" (Hosseini 211). Before their son, Hassan and Farzana had another daughter but she had already died. Sanaubar came back and helped with the new born baby boy. -
North to East
Mullah Omar was very popular because he "promise[d] of restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life" (The New York Times). -
Farid was explaining to Amir that "'Kabul scored a goal and the man next to me cheered loudly. . . ' 'Do that again and I'll cut your tongue'" (Hosseini 199). There was a misunderstanding because Farid was not the one cheering and the other man thought it was Farid and beat him. The man was about 18 years old hitting Farid who was old enough to be his grandfather, and the 18 year was disrespecting an elder. -
New Leader
A former king of Afghanistan "Hamid Karzai. . . was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him leader of the country" (The New York Times). -
Home At Last
Amir missed Soraya because "[Amir and Sohrab] arrived home. . . on a warm day. . . when [Soraya] wrapped her arms around my neck, I smelled apples in her hair" (Hosseini 357). Amir and Sohrab finally make it back to America. Soraya and Amir miss each other a lot. -
Terrorist Attack
President George W Bush wanted Osama Bin Laden handed over but they refused so "the United States joined forces with rebel groups that had never accepted Taliban rule" (The New York Times). -
Asking for Peace
Mr. Karzai started interim president to "secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid" (The New York Times). -
New President
In 2004 a new president "Mr. Karazi was elected to a five-year term" (The New York Times). -
President Obama made a speech about how they were going "to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan" (The New York Times). -
Withdrawing from Afghanistan
It was planned to "[call] for American combat forces to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan" (The New York Times). -
Freedom At Last
United States would control Afghanistan "until at least the end of 2014" (The New York Times).