Amir's Birth
Amir is born a year before Hassan and his mother dies "giving birth" (Hosseini 6). Amir grows with only his father and no mother figure. This makes him long for Baba's attention and become jealous when Hassan gets it. -
Hassan's Birth
Hassan was born one year after Amir, behind Amir's house in the "little shack" (Hosseini 6). Hassan and Amir are close enough in age that they are able to become friends. However, from birth, Hassan has a lower status that Amir and is a servant to him. -
Period: to
Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan
Amir Reads to Hassan
Amir, deciding to play a trick on Hassan, was reading to him and "strayed from the written story" (Hosseini 30). Amir makes up his own story's to tell to Hassan. His enjoyment of it, as well as motivation from others, is what helps Amir to become a writer when he grows up. -
Hassan's Surgery
For Hassan's birthday, Baba pays for a surgery to fix Hassan's "harelip" (Hosseini 46). Baba shows his generosity by paying for this surgery for Hassan. However, it makes Amir angry because he does not understand why Hassan gets rewarded simply for being born like that. -
Hassans Rape
During a kite flying competition, Hassan runs to get a kite for Amir, but he is raped by Assef while Amir saw "from the alley" (Hosseini 77). Even though Amir had the opportunity to, he did not help Hassan in his time of need. He is too terrified to help and then he feels guilty for it for many years. -
Amir's Thirteenth Birthday
For Amir's thirteenth birthday, Baba thew a party and invited "four hundred-plus Kakas and Khalas" (Hosseini 94). Baba thew a party this large to honor Amir and to celebrate him winning the kite competition. But, Amir feels guilty because he knows that he only got the kite because Hassan was raped and he kept it a secret. -
Invasion of Soviet Union
The once relatively peaceful country began to fill with violence and extremism after the "invasion by the Soviet Union" (NYT). -
Amir and Baba Leave Kabul
In order to escape the destruction, Baba and Amir leave Kabul in an "old Russian truck" (Hosseini 110). Amir and Baba's entire lives are changed because they have to move. The instability and danger of their old city drives out them and others who risk their lives to escape. -
Living in America
After escaping Kabul, Baba and Amir start their knew lives in "Fremont, California" (Hosseini 125). This change in location also brings a drastic change to their lifestyles. Baba goes from being a business man to working in a gas station and Amir graduates high school at 20. -
Amir Meets Soraya
While at the farmers market with Baba, Amir meets Soraya Taheri and his "heart stuttered at the thought of her" (Hosseini 142). Amir and Soraya know each other through their families who come from the same place. This gives them many similarities. -
Baba Gets Diagnosed With Cancer
Just after Amir meets Soraya, Baba becomes sick and is then diagnosed with "Oat Cell Carcinoma" (Hosseini 156). Baba's cancer caused Amir and Soraya to rush their wedding. Baba's eventual death takes a great toll on Amir. -
Rahim Khan Looks For Hassan
After Amir and Baba left, Rahim Khan when to "Hazarajat to find Hassan" (Hosseini 203). Baba left Rahim Khan in charge of taking care of his house, in case he came back. Because Rahim Khan was lonely, he went to look for Hassan to bring hm back to the house with him. -
Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan
After the United Nations moderated multiple peace talks, the "last Soviet troops" (NTY) left behind a war devastated country. -
Mullah Omar Creates Movement
With almost 12,000 followers, Mullah Omar created a popular movement with the "promise of restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life" (NYT). -
Pakistani Intelligence
Pakistani intelligence offers started to give supplies to Mullah Omar's men and military advisers to "guide them in battle" (NYT). -
Afghanistan in Conflict
After the departure of the Soviet forces, Afghanistan fell into "vicious internecine strife" (NYT). -
Taliban Seized Control
After many years of civil war, the Taliban, an "extremist Islamic group" (NYT) took control of the country. -
Hassan is Killed
While living with Rahim Khan, Hassan and his wife are shot and killed by "Talib officials" (Hosseini 218). Their deaths leave Sohrab an orphan. Hassan's death also does not allow Amir to ever speak to him after finding out that they were related or ever apologize. -
Amir Gets A Call From Rahim Khan
One day, Amir receives a call from Rahim Khan, who is very sick, and says he must "go to Pakistan" (Hosseini 191). Amir is still loyal to Rahim Khan even after many years of not talking. He goes to Pakistan to visit and help him. -
Sohrab Attempts Suicide
The night after Amir tells Sohrab that he may have to go to an orphanage, Amir finds Sohrah in the bathroom with a "blood-soaked razor" (Hosseini 384). Sohrab is so traumatized from being abused by Assef that he is terrified of going to another orphanage. His suicide attempt puts a great strain on his relationship with Amir. -
Attack on World Trade Center
In 2001, after the attack on the Word Trade Center, President George W. Bush gave to Taliban an "ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden" (NYT). -
Hamid Karzai Takes Office
Supporter and relative of exiled former king of Afghanistan, Mohammad Zahir Shah, Hamid Karzai took office as interim president and hoped to "secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much needed international aid" (NYT). -
Sohrab Smiles
After living with Amir and Soraya for a while, Amir and Sohrab are flying kites and "one corner of his mouth had curled up just so" (Hosseini 370). Before this, Sohrab had not shown any happiness while living there. This smile shows his improvement and acceptance of his new life. -
General Petraeus Takes Charge
Iraq commander, General Petraeus, takes charge of United States Central Command with "responsibility for military operations in Iraq" (NYT). -
Obama Speech
In West Point, Obama announced his plan to "deploy 30,000 additional troops" (NYT).