Zahir Shah begins reign
That year Zahir Shah begins his reign, "the year Baba was born and the year Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan" This is the year that the ruler begins his reign over Afghanistan and the day of Baba's birth. It was a day that 2 powerful people were born. -
Amir is Born
Amir is born in 1964 beginning his life of adventure, "Amir is born in the summer of 1963". This day Amir is born and he will soon meet Hassan which will turn out to be his best friend. -
Hassan's first words
"Amir" is his first word showing how important Amir must be to him providing insight that in the future their relationship will be close. They have always been close together and are almost like brothers. -
Hassan is born
This is the year that Hassan is born a year after the mother died from giving birth to Amir, "It was there, in that little shack, that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964". Not much longer after Amir's birth Hassan is born. They will turn out to be the best of friends, their age could've played a role in this -
Baba builds an orphanage
Baba decides to build an orphanage which shows how he cares for them "In the late 1960s, when I was five or six, Baba decided to build an orphanage". This shows how generous and good Baba is. It doesn't just show that, but that he has a lot of power in order to do so. -
Baba takes a break
(Just the year) Baba took a break and decided to fly to Tehran for a month to watch the World Cup Games "In 1970, Baba took a break from the construnction of the oprhanage and flew to Tehran for a month to watch the World Cup Games on television, since at the time Afghanistan didn't have TVs yet.". That was probablly the first time he got a break in a while, and moving away from Afghanistan was probablly nice. -
Baba finishes the orphanage
The orphanage is finished "three years after it was started". Baba finally finishes building the orphanage after a whole three years. Everyone appreicates him and knows him, his power just grows. -
Amir plays a trick on Hassan
Amir was once reading a book to Hassan until straying away from the story "I strayed from the written story, I pretend I was reading from the book, flipping pages regularly". Amir is playful with Hassan showing their relationship that they have with eachother, mess around and sometimes play tricks, just like brothers. Although they have such a good relationship, sometimes Amir isn't the best friend. -
The king's 40 year reign ends
"in his absence his cousin Daoud Khan had ended the king's forty year reign". After 40 years, from the day Baba was born, the king's reign finally ends. This brings another power struggle. -
The Beginning
(Not Actual Date But Year) The beginning starts with a flashback, and the begininning of his story “I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975.”. This was the beginning of the book as we know it. -
Hassan's last kite
"In the winter of 1975, I saw hassan run a kite for the last time". That was probablly the last day of his childhood, He loved to fly kites, and to see him just fly it for the last time is sad. -
last year of peace and ananymity
(Not Actual Date But Year) That was when he turned thirteen that summer, and as he states it was the last summer of peace and ananymity in afghanistan "Afghanistan’s next to last summer of peace and anonymity.”. That was the last year Afghanistan had peace and calamity. Before all the chaos that would ensue later. -
Amir turns 13
"I turned thirteen that summer of 1976". That day is a step in Amir's growth, he becomes a teenager, a more mature and responsible person. -
communist coup de etat
"The end, the official end, would come first in April 1978". The communists declare war and chaoes ensues. This may be the last time Amir and Hassan will be able to be in Afghanistan. -
Russian tanks arrive
"December 1979, when Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets where hassan and I played". Russian tanks arrive on the streets which is never a good sign. The outside is now very dangerous and there are risks of death. -
U.S. Boycott
"U.S. announced it would be boycotting the Olympic games in Moscow". This is another step in getting rid of the communists. -
"Baba loved the idea of America". Baba finally starts to consider America, and really enjoys the thought of it. It's definitely a better life than a war-torn Afghanistan. -
Baba and Amir Escape
(Not Actual Date But Year) that was the year they escape Kabul, Afghanistan "Jalauddin, our seventh servant in five years , would probably think we’d gone out for a stroll or a drive.”. A new life begins as they escape Afghanistan. They are heading to a much better life in America, with oppurtinites they would never get in Afghanistan. -
Germans build hydroplant
"The hydro plant the Germans had built for Afghanistan back in 1976". The Germans build a hydroplant in Afghanistan which helps. -
Amir graduates
"That summer of 1983, I graduated from high-school at the age of twenty". That day is the last day of Amir's childhood, he's no longer a child, but a young adult. This changes the story a lot because of his maturity and the choices he makes.