Amir Is born
Amir and Hassan grew up together and were very close in age, "...Hassan was born in the winter of 1964, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me" (Hosseini 6). Amir and Hasaan grew up together, and drank milk from the same breast. This formed tight bond between the two, enabling Amir to view Hassan not just as a Hazarra, but as a friend. -
Hassan Is born
Hassan was born a Hazarra in the same household as Amir, "It was in that small shack that Hassan's mother, Saunabar, gave birth to him one cold winter day in 1964" (Hosseini 6) . Hassan and Amir grew up together, and Hassan felt an incredinly amount of loyalty towards Amir. But because of socioeconomic status, Hassan will never be able to be viewed as anything more than a servant despite their strong connection. -
Hassan's Harelip Is Removed
Baba's gift to Hassan was a sign of the deep feelings he felt for Hassan, "It's an unusual present I know. and probably not one you had in mind, but this presnt will last you forever" (Hosseini 46). This quote expresses the deep feelings that Baba feels towards Amir. Because Baba can never claim Hassan as his son, this moment allows Baba to show Hassan the love he has never been able to show him as a father. -
Hassan Is Violated
Amir watches frightended as Assef violates Hassan, saying, " I could step into that alley stand up for Hassan, the way he'd stood up for me all those times in the past-and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end I ran" (Hosseini 77). From the beginning of the book, it is evident that Hassan is brave and loyal, and has an ingrained sens eof morality. Amir has yet to develop those same kind of virtues, and the abesence of those virtues is leads him to Afghanistan. -
Amir's 13th Birthday
Baba throws Amir a huge celebration for his thiteenth birthday, "Baba's motto about thrwoing parties was this: Invite the whole world or it's not a party" (Hosseini 93). Baba is a complicated man to love, because he always wanted a son that was exactly like him that he could be proud of. After winning the tournamnet, Baba uses this as a platform to show off his amazing son. -
Ali And Hassan Leave
After Hassan admits to stealing from Amir, Ali explains to Baba, "Life here is impossible for us now. We're leaving" (Hosseini 106). Kabul has become too unbearable for Hassan and Amir, so Hassan and Ali eliminate themselves from the equation. This perhaps is his last true gesture to Amir, but by him sacrificing himslef, Amir loses the only person who truly cared about him, and Baba loses a son. -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
In an attempt to replace the Afghan leader Hafizullah Amin, "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on December 27, 1979, to assist Babrak Kamal, who had become president within the Afghan Communist leadership." -
Baba Dies
Baba finally succumbs to lung cancer, "...I thought of the old story of Baba wrestling a black bear in Baluchistan. Baba had wrestled bears his whiole life. Losing his young wife. Raising a son by himself. Leaving his beloved homeland, his watan. Poverty. Indignity. In the end, a bear had come that he couldn't best" (Hosseini 174). Baba was an extremely strong individual, who had high morals and values. He changed people's lives, and he served as an example of the man Amir could be. -
Amir Marries Soraya
Amir and Soraya finally get married, "Dresses in a stunning wine-colored traditional Afghjan dress with long sleeves and gold trimminngs" (Hosseini 168-169). Soraya is a perfect match for Amir becuase like him she too has a colorful past. She also shares the same virtues as Hassan, and her virtues serve as a reminder to Amir of the man he wants to become. someday. -
Baba Arrive In The U.S.
American society was a very different experience for Baba and Amir, "For me, America was a place to bury his memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his" (Hosseini 129). Socioeconomic status in American society affects Baba and Amir in different ways. The power that Baba once held in Afghanistan is nonexistent, while Amir flourishes in the new system without Baba's iron grip looming over him. -
Amir Meets Soraya
Soraya is the love of Amir's life, " My heart stuttered at the thought of her. Soraya Taheri. My Swap Meet Princess" (Hosseini 142). Soraya is one of only three people who ever really loved Amir for he truly was, the other being Rhaim Khan and Hassan. Soraya makes up for the love he lost when Hassan left, and the love he never had with Baba. -
Amir Meets Soraya
Amir meets the love of his life Soraya, "My heart stuttered at the thought of her. Soraya Taheri. My Swap Meet Princess" (Hosseini 142). Soraya is the one person in his life, besides Hassan who truly loved him. Due to the absence of love from his own father, Amir looks for love in both Hassan, and later Soraya, who coincidentally has a birthmark just as Hassan had a harelip. -
Soviet troops left Afghanistan
The Soviets were losing the war, "eventually, after peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989, in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal." -
Taliban take over
As vicious fighting consumed the country, the Taliban, "buoyed by Pakistani aid, the Taliban had taken control of Afghanistan, imposing strict enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law..." -
The Taliban offer refuge to Osama Bin laden
As cited in the New York Times article, "the Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. Bin Laden, who arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996, and for Al Qaeada." -
Sohrab And Amir Fly A Kite
After months of not speaking at all, Sohrab annd Amir fly a kite on New Yeras Eve, "...I hekd the string out for him, his hand lifted from his pocket. Hesistated. Took the string. My heart quickened as I spun the spool to gather the loose string. We stood quietly side by side. Necks bent up" (Hosseini 369). After months of not spekaing a word, Sohrab and Amir are finally starting to connect. Ironically, before Hassan took care of Amir, now Amir is taking care of Sohrab. -
Amir Fights Assef
Amir fights Assef over Hassan's son Sohrab, " "In a moment, I'm going to close the door. Then he and I are going to fish an old bit of business" (Hosseini 287). The preparation for this fight began in an alleyway one cold winter day in 1975. Hassan had already paid his own high price, and now it was finally time for Amir to face his owwn demons. -
Rahim Khan Calls Amir
Amir decides to travel to Pakistan after receiving a call from Rahim Khan, "Come. There is a way to be good again" (Hosseini 192). Rahim Khan beckons Amir to return to Pakistan to "atone for his sins." Amir now has to face the demons that have haunted him for twenty years now. He must finally stand up to his past, the same way Hassan "stood up for me all those times in the past." -
Amir Learns Of Hassan's Death
Rahim Khan describes Hassan's death to Amir, explaining, "So they took him to the street-and order him to kneel-and shot him in the back of the head" (Hosseini 219). Though Hassan lived with high morals and values, he suffers an painful death, while Amir lives a fruitful life. This shows that even if you live with high morals and values, it does not necessariuly guarantee a long life. -
Sohrab Attempts Suicide
Amir breaks his promise of promising never to send Sohrab to an orphange, and Sohrab attepmts sucide," I imagine him twisting the razor handle and opening the twin safety latches on the head, sliding the blade out, holding it between his thumb and forefinger" (Hosseini 350). Sohrab's emotional state is very delictae, and when Amir finds him in the bathtub, he calls the hospital. Amir loves Sohrab just like he would love a son, and he feels he owes it to Hassan to watch out for him. -
The haven afforded to him Afghanistan allowed Al Qeada the opportunity to sttrike America in the heart with," theattack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001." -
War in Afghanistan begins
When the Taliban refused an ultimatum to hand over Osama Bin Laden, "an air and ground campaign began that drove the Taliban out of the major Afghan cities by the end of the year." -
Hamid Karzai named interim president
Hamid Karzai, who was also a relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the former king of Afgghanistan, "was named chairman of an interim governemnt that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the defeated leader of the country." -
Hamid Karzai reelected
Wiuth hopes to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid, "Mr. Karzai was elected to a five-year term as president in 2004." -
Obama announces Afghanistan plan
In an important foreign policy speech on Afghanistan delivered at West Point, "Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 dditional troops." -
General Patreaus named to lead war in Afghanistan
Having received credit for the success with the surge in Iraq, "Mr. Obama tapped Gen. Petraeus to lead the war effort there."