Kite Runner & the History Of Afghanistan

  • Sofia Akrami's Demise

    Hassan was born "Just one year after my mom died giving birth to me" (Hosseini 6) Sofia's death gravely impacted Amir's characterization. If she had been alive, Amir would have someone to turn to for emotional support when he feels unloved by his father, Baba. This lack of a motherly figure requires Amir to mature at a faster pace.
  • Hassan is born

    "Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hosseini 6). Hassan's birth influences the entire plot of the story. Without Hassan, the story would have very little to no meaning. Hassan portrays a perfect image of what a loyal friend should resemble.
  • Baba Builds Orphanage

    When Amir is young "in the late 1960s ... Baba decided to build an orphanage" (Hosseini 12) This shows how loving and caring Baba is. Ironically, not to his own son.
  • Amir Wins Kite

    When Amir won the annual kite running contest, "[he] was screaming, and everything was color and sound, everything was alive and good" (Hosseini 66). Amir's winning the contest meant a lot to him because he was able to show Baba that he could be successful. This is important because it was the start of a new relationship between Baba and Amir.
  • Hassan is Raped

    Once Hassan finds Amir's prized kite, he is attacked and raped by Assef for not giving up the kite. "Assef yelped as he flung himself at Hassan, knocking him to the ground" (Hosseini 73). This event demonstrates how loyal Hassan is to Amir. Hassan endured an extremely traumatic event just to get the kite to Amir. This can also show how cowardly Amir acted by not sticking up for Hassan.
  • Mohammed Khan's Demise

    Mohammed Khan is "killed in a communist coup, and someone new takes control of the presidency." Unstable country continues to stay relentless
  • Soviet Invasion

    The Soviets started invading Afghanistan and this all began with... "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27 1979" (NYT)
  • Amir Smuggled

    Amir and Baba were smuggled out to the "relitive safety of Pakistan." (Hosseini 111) Along the way, Baba was almost killed by a Soviet solgier. Once in Pakistan however, they continued on to the United States.
  • Baba Gives Up His Car

    "The following summer, the summer of 1984--the summer I turned twenty-one--Baba sold his Buick and bought a dilapidated '71 Volkswagen bus for $550 from an old Afghan Acquaintance who'd been a high-school science teacher in Kabul" (Hosseini 137). This quote shows how the power shifts, they now need an old van so they can make money from the flea market, leaving their old lavish lifestyle.
  • Baba's Road To Demise

    After the doctors tell Baba that he has "Oat Cell Carcinoma", he decides that he does not want to undergo chemo but will spend his last days chemical free. Amir is crushed and begins to imagine a world without his father. This is around the time that Amir realises hoe much of his reputation and connections are based on his father.
  • Soraya and Amir Romance

    At the flea market Amir meets Soraya who he falls in love with. Baba and "the general [accept]" their marriage, (Hosseini 163). Amir is overjoyed and for a while is not troubled with his guilt for Hassan
  • Amir's Fam goes to College

    Despite disaproval from both of their fathers, Amir studied English and Soraya "enrolled, to her father's chagrin, in the teaching track" (Hosseini 181). This act shows that now that Soraya and Amir are married, they are much more independent and willing to follow their passions and not their parent's wills. They are much happier being able to persure what they love and this makes them more detirmined to succeed.
  • Baba's Demise

    Soraya put Baba to bed one night, but when morning came, "Baba never woke up" (Hosseini173). Baba's death made Amir sad, but it also made him realize how much Baba meant to others. Baba's funeral was packed and so many people were talking about all the good Baba had done. This demonstrates what a great role model Amir's father was.
  • Soraya's Confession

    After Soraya admits that she ran away with a bad man when she was young. Amir says,"I envied her. Her secret was out. Spoken. Dealt with," (Hosseini 165). This shows how conflicted Amir is, although his wife has now come clean, he still is hurt by his secret that's eating him up inside.
  • Peace

    At the end of the soviet intervention the, "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops,"
  • Amir's Book

    In the book, Amir says, "The novel was published the following year, 1989" (183).This is a significant acheivement for Amir because it shows hes building his career as a writer
  • Taliban Takeover

    Mullah Omar had resentment against the Soviets. He formed the Taliban and quickly gained followers, "By the end of 1994 Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 follower" (NYT)
  • Bin Laden arrives

    Osama Bin Laden received asylum in Afhganistan, "Bin Laden, who arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996" (NYT)
  • Najibullah's Demise

    The Taliban publicly executes President Najibullah. Meanwhile, "Ethnic groups in the north, under Masood’s Northern Alliance, and the south, aided in part by Hamid Karzai, continue to battle the Taliban for control of the country" (PBS).
  • Assef Goes Into Old House

    Amir," wanted to go in," (Hosseini 263). He wanted to go inside to get a taste of hid old life. He felt Melancholy for how his old life was.
  • Assef vs. Amir Mortal Kombat

    Assef fights Amir because of "some unfinished business" (Hosseini 286). Amir feels good during the fight emotionally because he feels like he's partially atoned for not standing up for Hassan when Assef raped him.
  • Sohrab makes it to USA

    Amir and Sohrab,"arrived home about seven months ago, on a warm day in August 2001," (Hosseini 357) after much turmoil and resilience, Sohrab finally makes it to the safety of America.
  • Office Change

    After the U.S. had driven out the Taliban Hamid Karzai "took office as inerim president in June 2002"
  • General Takes Charge

    General Petraeus was an Iraq commander who "had taken charge of United states Central Command in October 2008"(NYT).
  • Obama gives Speech

    Dec 1, 2009, President Obama delivers a speech announcing "his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops."