Hassan is Raped by Assef After the Kite Running Competition
Hassan and Amir emerged victoriously. Hassan's sense of loyalty to Amir influenced him to successfully run the last kite and protect it, even when Assef threatened to rape him. Amir witnesses from afar Assef as "flung himself at Hassan, knocking him to the ground." This traumatizing event shows Hassan's unchanging loyalty, in contrast to Amir's unfaithful actions towards him. By not defending Hassan during his time of need, Amir feels guilty for becoming a bystander to injustice. -
Ali and Hassan Move Out of Baba's House
When Amir's guilt overcomes his actions, he decides to frame Hassan for stealing in an attempt to rid himself from the internal pain. Instead of being banned from the household Baba's forgives Hassan. However, it is Ali who decides to leave. He says, "We are leaving, Agha sahib...we can't live here anymore"(Hosseini 106). The betrayal by Amir convinces Ali that his son will be further harmed if they stay. This action further proves that Amir's guilt will impact his following life choices. -
The Soviet Union Invade Afghanistan
According to the article published by the New York Times, "Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul" attempting to initiate a communist regime in the country. -
Baba and Amir Escape From Afganistan
Afganistan became a battlefield; bombings, poverty, and persecution were immersed in society. Baba and Amir smuggle themselves across the border. Amir recount the tortuous escape by saying, "Panic. The basement had been black. The fuel tank was pitch-black...the air wasn't right, it was too thick...You could die in a place like this"(Hosseini 122). The risk and sacrifice presented show the desperate need to leave the injustices taking place. They are sacrificing and hope for a prosperous future. -
Amir Graduates From High School and Decides to Pursue Writing
Amir is a recent high school graduate, filling Baba with pride and hope for the future. However, Amir shocked him by deciding to follow a profession, with little hope of a rich and prosperous future. Amir said, "I think I'll major in English" (Hosseini 134). Amir's act of disobeying Baba's wishes shows he is taking the initiative to follow his own dreams, in contrast to his history of acting only to please and evoke pride in Baba. Amir's decision demonstrates his self acceptance. -
Baba is Diagnosed with Cancer
Amir and Baba confer with a specialized doctor who delivers the deadly news. Baba is diagnosed with "'Oat Cell Carcinoma'. Advanced. Inoperable" (Hosseini 156). After the visit, Amir realizes that his herioic and stoic father will be defeated by the disease. Amir must come to terms that his father, will no longer be able to guide and advise him when he is gone. This feeling scares Amir about the future ahead. -
Baba Dies After His Fight With Cancer
After a brutal battle with cancer Baba dies in his sleep, leaving Amir to feel depressed and helpless. After his funeral Amir says, "I'm going to miss [Baba]"(Hosseini 176). Amir feels unstable and unsure, scared of his future without Baba's constant opinion and care. Amir's dependency and love towards Baba is highlighted after his death showing Baba's influence on Amir. -
Amir and Soraya Get Married But Are Unable To Have a Child
Amir and Soraya's wedding was a joyous affair, and the couple hoped to start a family. However, Soraya has unexplained infertility causing immense grief and guilt for both. Amir said, "Maybe this was my punishment, and perhaps justly so. It wasn't meant to be...Or maybe, it was meant not to be" (Hosseini 188). Amir believed he was being penalized for his silence during Hassan's rape. He believes his wrongdoings in his past justify the occurrence of any tragic event in his life. -
Sanaubar Returns Seeking Redemption
After abandoning her son at birth, Sanaubar feels remorseful for her selfish actions. Many years later she returns to her son searching for redemption. She says, "I have walked long and far to see if you are as beautiful in the flesh as you are in my dreams. And you are"(Hosseini 210). Sanaubar's guilt influencecs her to seek atonement for her actions by returning to her son. She began to nurture him and later his child, redeeming herself from her self-centered past. -
Amir Publishes His First Novel
Amir's passion to write was looked poorly upon by Baba, for the lack of masculinity. However, Amir presisted, finally hearing the good news. He said,"Martin called and informed me I was going to be a published novelist"(Hosseini 183). Amir finally achieved his dream, establishing his career as a writer. The determination he has to write proves he is capable of reaching his goals and prospering, bringing great joy into his life. -
A Peace Treaty Was Created Concluding the War
Peace talks began between the Soviet Union and the rebels which was monitored by the United Nations. In February the Soviet Union officially vacated the country, "in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal" (New York Times). -
Power Struggle Between Competing Groups
In the summer chaos and violence spread across giving "power [which] was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms"(New York Times). -
Taliban Gaining Popularity
Mullah Omar gained momentum based on his "promise of restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life" leading many to support and champion for this growing group. -
Assitance from Pakistan is Provided to the Taliban
The Pakistani officers provided "arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men...as well as military advisers" allowing the group to grow in power and influence by succeeding through violence. -
Taliban Establish a Strict Regime in Afganistan
The Taliban gained control of Afghanistan and "impos[ed] strict - enforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law" while not allowing any dissent to their policies. -
Taliban Supports Terrorists
The Taliban "provided a haven for Mr. Bin Laden" demonstrating a welcoming attitude to terrorist groups promoting Islamic extremism. In addition the group allowed the terrorists to influence actions taken in their country, by doing so harming others. -
Karzai made leader of Interim Government
A new government was created after Taliban regime was defeated. Harmi Karzai was named leader of the interim government and his goals were to "secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid". He was later elected president for five years. -
Rahim Khan Calls Amir Giving him a Chance of Redemption
One day, Rahim Khan called Amir encouraging him to come to Pakistan and seek redemption of his past. He said, "Come. There is a way to be good again" (Hosseini 192). When Amir receives this call, he is aware of the dangers of confronting his past in a war-torn country, such as Afganistan. However, he still makes efforts to redeem himself, in order to liberate himself from his guilt. -
Sohrab Attempts To Commit Suicide
Amir found Sohrab almost lifeless in the hotel bathroom after attempting suicide. Sohrab was covered in "the bloody bathwater; [his] left arm dangling over the side of the tube, the blood-soaked razor sitting on the toilet tank (Hosseini 348). Sohrab was fearful of his future, especially the possibility of returning to an orphanage, a place that ignited despair and helplessness inside him. Instead of suffering again, he decides to die showing the amount of depression and powerlessness he felt. -
Amir Breaks His Newfound Trust with Sohrab
After meeting with a lawyer, Amir discovers the road to adoption is rough and nearly impossible. A proposal is made suggesting Sohrab should stay in an orphanage, until the adoption is finalized, which shocked and betrayed Sohrab. He says, "You promised you'd never put me in one of those places"(Hosseini 341). This act of betrayal quickly breaks the newly established trust between Sohrab and Amir. Their relationship becomes strained and almost nonexistent, leading Sohrab to take deadly actions. -
Sohrab Saves Amir from Assef's Brutal Beating
Assef began to beat Amir to the point of death until Sohrab took a brave stance against the Taliban leader. Amir noticed "the slingshot ma[king] a thwiiiiit sound when Sohrab released the cup. Then Assef was screaming"(Hosseini 291). Sohrab's act of courage was ignited through fear of Amir's safety. Sohrab immediately risked his own life, with trust that if Amri lived he would protect him and free him from the horrors of living in captivity under the Taliban. -
Amir Brings Sohrab to America And Soraya Is Overjoyed
When Amir brings Sohrab to America, he is welcomed by his new family. Amir notices the twinkle in his wife's eye after meeting him. He remarks, "Looking at her smiling at Sohrab, her eyes tearing over a little, I had a glimpse of the mother she might have been"(Hosseini 358). Soraya longed to be a mother, guiding and caring for her child with her whole heart. When Sohrab is adopted, she has hope that she can guide him, as if he had been her own, showing her loving spirit. -
The World Trade Center is attacked
The World Trade center was attacked harming many, leading President Bush to give " the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. Bin Laden" (New York Times). The group refused sparking a war with the U.S. and rebels fighting the Taliban and Al Queda. -
The Persistence of the Taliban
Following their defeat, the Taliban continued "to wage a guerrilla warfare from a base in the mountainous and largely lawless tribal area" (New York Times), causing instability in Afghanistan. The group once again began to grow in power, especially in the southern part of the country. -
Amir Runs a Kite For Sohrab
After arriving in America, Sohrab begins to seclude himself from the nurturing ways of Soraya and Amir. One day, a kite running competition occurs, ending in Sohran and Amir's victory. Amir looks towards Sohrab noticing "[a] smile. Lopsided. Hardly there. But there" (Hosseini 371). A simple gesture of a smile was the first sign of happiness shown by Sohrab after arriving in the U.S. After seeing this, Amir is now hopeful for their future as a family, trust and love will reign.