Amir won the kite running tournament
Hassan was so excited for Amir, he shouted "You won, Amir agha! You won!" (67). Amir won the kite running tournament and Hassan was the most proud of him. Hassan has always been there for Amir through everything especially cheering him on during the winter of 1975. -
Hassan got raped by Assef
Amir could have helped Hassan but he froze and saw his face with the "resignation in it" (76). Hassan could not do anything except accept the fact this was happening. Amir needed to step in so he could stop Hassan, his friend, from being in this pain mentally and physically. -
Amir turned thirteen
According to Amir, his "birthday bash was a huge success," (94). Amir turned thirteen and Baba decided to throw a party, not for his birthday, but for him winning the tournament. Baba was so delighted with Amirs kite running that he wanted to make it special on his big day. -
Ali and Hassan leave
Ali found out about Hassan being raped and what Amir did, so he said to Baba, "we can't live here anymore" (106). This is an important part of the book because this is where the whole story is changed without Ali and Hassan. Hassan was one of the main characters throughout the beginning of the book but then has to leave because he realized what Amir did to him. -
Afghanistan has had no peace
When the Soviet Union invaded, "Afghanistan... has known little peace since 1979". -
Invasion by the Soviet Union
In 1979, the United States had an "invasion by the Soviet Union". -
First Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul
The Soviet troops went into Kabul, "to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the Afghan Communist leadership." -
Baba and Amir arrive in America
Baba seemed beyond excited for their arrival in America because "Baba loved the idea of America" (125). Baba needed a new start to his life because of Ali and Hassan gone, he needed time away from that house. Also, Baba dreaded the fact that Ali and Hassan weren't with them and thought America was a good fresh start. -
Amir graduated high school
In the summer of 1983, Amir was a proud graduate at the "age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day." (131). This was now the time Amir could get a job to help Baba out and start looking for a woman to start a family with. Baba's eyes gleamed from being so proud of Amir to finish high school in America. -
Amir met Soraya
Amir's first time meeting Soraya his "heart quickening" (140). This is the first time they set eyes on eachother and little did they know they were about to start a whole life together. Amir was shy about talking to her but he gained enough courage to start talking to her and they knew they liked eachother right away. -
The Soviet Air Force provided by advanced missiles
The missiles were "supplied by the United States to the rebels". -
Baba died
Deciding not to take his medicine, "Baba never woke up" (173) the next morning. Baba said that there was no pain tonight because of how happy he was that he got to see Amir get married. I think this was his way of saying I've seen everything I have wanted to during my life and it's time to say goodbye. -
Amir published his first novel
Because of all the hard work Amir has spent determined to be a writer, he finished the novel about a "father-son story set in Kabul." (182). Amir wanted to prove to Baba that he could make his mark on the world by writing. Baba at first questioned his decision on becoming a writer, which most likely pushed Amir more and mad him more determined. -
Last Soviet troops left Afghanistan
After considering peace, the troops left and ended with an "unilateral withdrawal". -
Power was divided
During the summer of 1994, power was divided and "individual fiefdoms." -
Mullah Omar had 12,000 followers
Mullah Omar had reached 12,000 followers and "was rolling up the warlords to the north and east." -
Funneling arms, money and supplies on Mullah Omar
"To help guide them in battle," Pakistani intelligence officers became helping the followers. -
Taliban had taken control of Afghanistan
While the Taliban took control, they were "banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools," -
Hassan and Farzana are killed by Taliban
Rahim was telling Amir about Hassan and how he got killed by the Taliban "and shot him in the back of the head" (219). Amir just heard that Hassan was dead after six months of him being dead. Amir and Hassan have history together but Rahim had a mission for Amir to complete. To make up for Amir's mistakes in his childhood, Rahim asked him to rescue Hassan's son. -
Amir found out Hassan was his half brother
Throughout Amirs entire life, Baba was keeping a secret from him that "he was his half brother" (237). This is important because if he knew about this it might have changed his whole life. Hassan might have still been alive and not have gotten raped. But that meant maybe he wouldn't have met Soraya or moved to America. -
Talibans have Sohrab
Sohrab, Hassan's son, was taken from the orphanage and the director stated, "he took Sohrab a month ago" (257). The director first wouldn't tell Amir where he was but he knew that he obviously wasn't in a nice home. Amir knew he needed to find him to take him to America so he would know he is safe. -
Amir confronts Taliban (AKA- Assef)
Not knowing who Amir was talking to, "his name escaped my lips: 'Assef'" (281). Assef is the one who raped Hassan and now is hurting Sohrab because of the past. Amir could tell he needed to save Sohrab from Assef doing the same thing he did to Hassan when they were kids. -
Saved Sohrab
Amir finally saved Sohrab from Assef and asked "would you like to come live in America with me and my wife?" (320). This was the big question to see if Sohrab wanted a better life in San Fransisco. He knew he was scared because he had no parents but it helped knowing that Amir was his uncle. -
Attack on World Trade Center
After the attack, "Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden." -
Amir ran the kite for Sohrab and Hassan
Amir heard himself say, "for you a thousand times over" (371). This was Amirs last chance to prove his atonement to Hassan and now Sohrab. Now he could finally have a relief that he has made up for his mistakes and can live a happy life.